Chapter 3

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They had been walking for what felt like hours. The bright sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, and the sky was turning a soft orange. In the distance were square buildings of all different sizes and colors.

"Are we almost there?" waS complained. Her eyes were set on the dimming sun.

"Yes," kooB spoke through gritted teeth. "You've asked that four times now."

"But the last three times you told me were were close, too," waS murmured.

"Well, those times, I lied so you'd shut up," kooB replied. "But we really are almost there. See?" She pointed to the buildings ahead of them.

"Okay then," waS said under her breath.

The two continued to walk until they reached the edge of the land and were met with a large body of water.

"Guess we're gonna have to swim," waS sighed.

They plunged in and began to wade through the glistening waves. "It's been so long since I've last swam, kooB."

"Me too."

"Do you think I'll get rusty?"
"No idea."

A couple minutes of silence elapsed. The water rippled softly as they swam.

waS was the one to break the silence. "So...why are we even going over here? Why didn't we just ask the others what was going on?"

"It''ll see."

After a bit more swimming, they finally reached the land. The grass was a deep purple, and the sky glimmered gold. The buildings in front of them were the size of skyscrapers, jutting out of the ground miles into the sky.

"We're here!" kooB exclaimed, looking up.

"Yo-eh-lay city..." waS sounded out the sign in front of her, squinting.

"I think it's pronounced 'yoyle', waS," kooB corrected. "Now, follow me. I think I know where we gotta go."

waS followed dutifully behind her. "That reminds do you even know where to go?"

"I have knowledge of this dimension because my brain actually retains the information I learn," kooB muttered.

"Hey, shut up!"

They soon arrived at a dark building. kooB walked up to the door and tried to open it, but it didn't budge. "Hm." She pulled harder on the doorknob. "It's...locked."

"Well, that's a shame," waS sighed. kooB's eyes met hers. "Wh...wait, kooB, no--"

In a flash, kooB picked up waS by her handle and began to slice through the door. "AHH! PUT ME DOWN!" Once the door was open, kooB let go of waS, letting her fall to the ground.

"Ow... why would you do that?" waS grunted, getting up shakily.

"Come on," kooB demanded, walking through the split door.

The room was almost completely dark under the night sky, but parts were illuminated by a glow coming from glass tubes. kooB walked up to one and ran her hand across the smooth surface.

"What are those?" waS asked cautiously.

"Exactly what I need." kooB began to walk to the door again.

"Where are you going now?" waS got up to follow her, but kooB pushed her away.

"Stay here. I'm going to find an old friend."


kooB found herself back at the plains, looking around for any familiar face. Suddenly, a gaze met hers. ocaT. waS was right; she was composed of bright colors, nothing like waS and kooB's monochrome selves (or, in fact, her old self). kooB smiled and walked up to her.

"Hello," kooB greeted.

"Oh, hey, Book," ocaT returned. "Uh...did you eat some yoyleberries? You're gray."

"Yes," she replied calmly. "That reminds me. Would you like to go to Yoyle City with me?"

"Uh," ocaT stammered, looking down. "I dunno, I don't really wanna-"

"Oh, come on. It'll be fun!" kooB insisted hastily. She grabbed ocaT's hand and began walking her over.


A while later, the two walked through the chopped open door. A feeling of dread elapsed ocaT, one she couldn't easily ignore. kooB tugged on her arm, but she kept back.

"Book, I think I'm going to go back--" ocaT started, but she was interrupted by a shout.

"WAS! COME AND GRAB HER!" kooB barked frantically.

"Wha? Why?"

waS complied and grabbed ocaT from the back as she kicked and fought to get out of their grasps. "Get off me!" ocat shouted. kooB began to drag her to the glass chambers, waS keeping her steady. The door of the chamber sprang open and kooB threw her in, then hurriedly shut the door.

"What...what did we just do?" panted waS.

kooB didn't answer; she just crouched in front of the machine and began fiddling with various buttons overlayed onto the bottom. waS glanced at her old friend ocaT. To her surprise, ocaT wasn't fighting anymore. Her eyes were closed and she was completely still.

A few moments later the machine started to whir. Lights flashed, and ocaT looked alive again. Her face contorted, body spasming in pain. Her screams of horror were hard to ignore, and it made waS's stomach turn. kooB just watched the situation with almost calculated calmness.

waS almost couldn't watch it, but it ended as soon as it began.

The chamber doors opened.

ocaT came out, completely gray. She was back to normal.

"Welcome back, ocaT."

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