Chapter 8

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(finally bested my writer's block. enjoy!)

"So you're telling me that they've been abducted and then turned gray?" Lollipop asked.

"Yes," Liy answered. Her and Remote were trying to get as many people to help as they could. Starting with the hard-hearted Lollipop.

"And you expect me to believe that?" Lollipop scoffed. This all seemed like an elaborate prank to her. And to be fair, it did sound crazy.

"We swear," Remote spoke with as much sincerity that her robotic voice could offer. "I saw it with my own two eyes."

"I'm really gonna need more proof for such a ludicrous thought," she dismissed, turning away.

Liy narrowed her eyes at her disdain. "You just have to believe us," she assured Lollipop, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Y'know...Saw got turned too."

Lollipop turned back curiously. "...Saw?" Her everlasting condescending tone softened a bit.

"Yes. And Taco."

The pop looked conflicted for a second, then closed her eyes and sighed. "Okay. If you two are wasting my time, I won't be happy."

Liy smiled excitedly. "We're not!"

"We just need to find a few more people so we can match them," Remote spoke.

"And what's your plan to turn them back?" Lollipop asked.

Liy and Remote looked at each other confusedly. "Uh...I was kinda under the vibe that it was just a weird cult we had to disband," Liy said, rubbing the back of her head.

"So you come to me with no plan, a ridiculous story and expect me to use my precious time to help." Lollipop gave them a glare of haughty disdain.

"Lollipop, come on!" Liy complained, her hand on her switch. "Didn't we explain this already?"

"Oh...Saw," Lollipop said simply.

"Yeah! Like we said, Saw's there too, genius!" Remote exclaimed angrily.

"No, Saw!" She pointed behind them, and they swerved around to see...Saw stumbling towards them! Liy's heart jumped at the sight.

Lollipop began to walk towards her. "Oh, little gray zigzag, you should have heard the ridiculous story Liy and Remote came up with."

"Lollipop, no!" Liy yelled, jumping between the two. "She isn't who you think she is!"

"Liy, quit the act," Lollipop sneered. Liy pushed her back from the presumably fake Saw.

Saw looked confused. "I'm...not me? Who is me?" She looked down. "...Little gray zigzag?"

Liy jumped up and pinned the imposter down. "You know what you did! Tell us! TELL US!"

"I don't! I don't!" Saw gasped out, her voice weak. "I don't - know!"

Liy glared down at her. "I'm not letting you go until you tell me everything."

Saw squinted. "I- I woke up earlier and- ow, my head..."

"Ugh...get off of her!" Lollipop scolded, thoroughly annoyed. She pushed Liy off and then helped up Saw. "Oh dear, what happened to your handle?"

Saw looked confused for a minute, then clarity crossed her face. A wave of emotions flowed through her. "It...oh, man...she did this," Saw spoke, her voice wavering.


"kooB," Saw breathed out. "She did so many bad things and she's still doing them-" She heaved out a quiet sob.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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