Chapter 4

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ocaT opened her eyes and immediately wanted to close them again. She didn't know where she was, or how she got there. However, she could tell the objects hovering above her were a couple of numbskulls.

"She's awake!" the spiky one with the shrill voice exclaimed. ocaT squirmed at the noise.

"Shut your mouth, waS," the other scolded sharply. "She seems to be sensitive to your loud voice."

"It's not loud..." waS mumbled, almost inaudibly.

ocaT decided this was enough and stumbled to her feet, staring them in the eyes. "I'm not sensitive to anything, kooB. But waS's voice is incredibly loud, and I don't wish to hear it again." Her voice was flat.

"Hey! She does remember us!" waS chirped happily, completely disregarding the insult.

"Yeah..." ocaT stated, as if it were obvious. "I don't remember falling asleep here though."

"It's a long story." kooB looked at the ground to avoid ocaT's sharp gaze. ocaT always her... superior, of sorts. But maybe now, things would change.

"I've got time." ocaT stood up straighter, her eyes trailing to the glass machines surrounding her.

kooB knew she had to get one thing sorted out. "ocaT, what do you remember from before you woke up?"

ocaT looked full of thought for a second. "It's a bit unclear. I remember...a bright light. Blinding. Then...everything went dark for a bit. It was...painful, but I can't put together why. Then I woke up here. I can't remember anything before that." ocaT's breathing became faster, as if she were reliving something she'd rather forget.
"You're not joking?" kooB asked. Her eyes gleamed; this was big.

She was met with ocaT's unamused expression.

"You're not joking..." waS muttered. "Agh, I just can't take this anymore! Are our other friends' memories going to be erased too?" She clasped her hands around her face, slumping to the floor.

"What does she mean?" ocaT questioned.

kooB approached waS, trying to console her. "Calm down, it's-"

"What does she mean?!" ocaT repeated furiously.

Even kooB flinched at her sudden rage. "Listen, ocaT, don't get mad-- you weren't the same before we-"

"Before you what?" ocaT was getting angrier by the second. "What did you do?"

"Would you let me explain?!" kooB shouted in her face. Finally, a moment of silence elapsed. "Okay. ocaT, don't be mad. You really weren't yourself earlier. You wished to be called 'Taco', and you looked...different." ocaT looked perplexed. "ocaT...I'm pretty sure this isn't our universe."

An instant look of understanding crossed ocaT's face. "You think we're in a...parallel universe...? But how?"

"I don't know how,'ll understand once you see them."

ocaT slumped down next to waS, looking conflicted. kooB sighed. It seemed like everyone was too emotionally exhausted to do anything at the moment. She walked over to one of the dusty tables in the building. To kooB's surprise, it had a blank, ancient looking piece of parchment paper on it, along with a quill and inkpot. Strangely, the ink seemed fresh. kooB picked up the quill and began to draft something.

"Subject one. ocaT."

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