|| Todoroki X Child Reader ||

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Welcome back again! I have a long list of scenarios I came up with for these one-shots, so I wont have to worry about having no ideas, so I plan to write one of these every few days or so. Nothing much else to say, so happy reading!
Shouto is 15 years old and the reader is 7 years old and is deaf. 


With a loud shriek, your tiny body was shoved to the ground that scraped your elbows when you made a desperate attempt to break your fall. The three laughing children that surrounded you grabbed your backpack and shook it around, your pencils and books falling out everywhere while you sobbed.

This group of girls bullying you was not unfamiliar to you. Any type of bullying wasnt unfamiliar to you. Shoving, poking, pulling, hitting, laughing. Even the tears had become the norm to you. All your life you had been bullied and teased for being completely deaf in both ears. You couldnt hear anything around you, so it was like you were always in your own little bubble 24/7. Your own little world. You were your only friend.

Sitting under the tree and colouring in at the park by yourself was peaceful. You were content spending time with yourself, until a certain group of girls spotted you from the playground and ran up to you. 

"Tell us to stop and we'll stop, [____]!" One of the girls giggled as she looked down at your body that was pushed to the floor. She towered over you, hands on her hips and a big grin on her face. "Come on, tell us to stop! Oh wait! You cant hear meeeeeee!"

Her comment made loud giggles appear out of the other girls who were kicking around your stationary they flung out your bag.

"Shes not telling us to stop, she must want us to keep going!"

"Haha, yeah!"

You couldnt respond because you simply didnt hear what was coming out of her mouths. You could only watch while your bleeding elbow stung and you could feel your throat vibrate with every sob.

"Usana! Lookie! Its her weird talking book." One of the girls who were kicking around your belongings picked up a bashed up book from the ground. It was the book you used to write down what you wanted to say, since you couldnt talk. It had a hello kitty front cover and multiple small stickers plastered onto it with your name written on the front in black marker. A book is a weird thing to be attached to, but you had owned it since you were 3 so it held quite a few memories. She flipped through the pages as the other two girls looked over to her. 

"Hey, look at this page!"

She held out the notebook to show a page that had your writing on it. Your small neat writing showed a sentence in the middle of the page. She giggled as she extended her arms to show her friends what the page said. It read :

'Could you please leave me alone so I can work?'

It was something you wrote down two days ago during class. A different group of children were teasing you while the class was taking a test and the teacher left the room for a minute. You wrote it down and showed them, but the boys just laughed and continued stealing your pencils and pulling your hair.

The girls laughed as they read your writing. "Wow, that is so sad!"

"Ew, it has finger prints on it!"

"You know what else would be sad?" One smiled and took the book from the other girl's hands. As soon as it was in her grasp, she started tearing out page after page. All three were giggling and even helped her.

Teary eyes wide as you watched them, you felt even more useless and horrible. Seeing the book that you treasured so much be torn apart within seconds made you tremble with horror. Every sentence that was written in it was a special memory. That book might not be anything special to anyone else, but it was very special to you and you couldnt stand seeing them destroy it without a second thought. 

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