|| Midoriya X Young|Sister Reader ||

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|| Hello everyone, I'm back from the dead! Haven't written for a while, but I'm back with this little chapter for now. Guess where I got my inspiration from? My friend's little sister again, lmao. But I hope you enjoy this, and thanks for comin' back.     

For the people who get the reference from the last chapter... kudos to you, my friend.
Midoriya is 17 years old, and the reader is his nine year old sister. ||

Sweet cereal softened by lukewarm milk crunched between your teeth, artificial flashing colors illuminating your skin from the TV in the night's darkness. To ease the cold air that came with the loneliness, you tugged your legs up and curled into yourself. And between small clinks of metal, crunching and cartoon character's dramatic shouting, you sniffled and shuffled on the couch of your living room's couch with hundreds of cushions as substitute company.

Two other people were dozing comfortably in their beds, snoring away contently. One of them being your elder brother, who would soon be setting foot on a plane to an entirely different country for five weeks too many. Yuuei had promised to send him out in order to meet some big wig's office regarding school stuff, and meet some physical trainer. His soon to be absence had made you gloomy, because you and him are two peas in a pod.

The bright analog clock's light read '1:06 am', and so did the pale gravy brown bags under your eyes. Since you woke up from your restless sleep over and over and over again, the third time, you decided to retreat to the couch.

An effortless grunt made itself present from the hallway, and your mother's feet dragged her tired, limp body out to the man living area. A yawn sounded out, and then her raspy voice.

"Oh, [____]. You scared the living daylights out of me.." She smiled with what energy she had, and leaned against the back of the couch to observe the flying colors and explosion sounds as well.

"I'm a burglar." You whispered with a cheeky smile. With a voice just as fatigued, you greeted her with a sloppy mouthful of soggy cereal.

"Why are you still up, honey?" A warm hand pressed to your forehead as she lent over, concerned eyes behind heavy lids.

"I couldn't sleep." You shuffled against the pillows around you and looked up to your mom. A cheeky smile made your eyes crinkle and milk droplets slipped from your mouth. "So now I'm getting fat with cereal."

It seemed to force a tiny smile onto hers as well. The space besides you dipped, and you flopped over to lean on a warm side. "Izuku's still knocked out flat snoring like a buffalo."

"Mama, what's the time?"

A quick rotation of her wrist exposed a watch, which when you squinted, told you the answer. It made both of you force yourselvevs off the couch once the chaotic cartoon's credits started to roll, and now dishes were clinking in the sink where Inko was cleaning up.

She suggested waking the older boy form his slumber, like a grumpy lion from it's beauty sleep. To your dismay, all three of you were supposed to be at the airport by 5 am so he could leave. Your eyes struggled in the pitch black of the boy's room, and your reflection in the mirror made you jump.

A hand much smaller than his shook him awake, and tired grumbles croaked out from the sleeping bear.

You sang out and climbed on top of his sideways facing body to flop down and cuddle him. "Izuku..."

It was far more comfortable when he rolled onto his back, so his elbow wasn't pressed into your stomach. Another mumble answered you. "Zu Zu.." You whined, hitting his shoulder with no effort at all, "Wake up, sleepy head."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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