|| Kirishima X Daughter|Child Reader ||

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Hey, lovelies! Just saying, nothing happens in this chapter, just a bunch of fluff. But who's complaining, right? Fluff's adorable. I kinda enjoy the one-shots where nothing actually happens, and it's just all cute stuff. Here's another Kirishima one-shot, because I love him. I know this isn't one of the requests, but it's fine!
Kirishima is 30 years old, and the reader is 6 years old.


You and your dad were cheerfully strolling down the foot path of the suburbs, trotting along slowly but surely. Kirishima was holding onto four shopping bags, your little butterfly backpack and his little baby girl. You were getting a ride, sitting on his shoulders, which proved very fun. He didn't have much trouble with all the things because he was very strong.

"Daddy, you're super duper smooper strong!" You cheer, and rest your hands on top of his head to keep balanced. The sun was being a nuisance and blinding the corner of your eye as it set. It was nice and warm though.

"Thanks, sugar, you're super duper smooper strong too!" He chuckles at your cute vocabulary and shuffles some of the grocery bags on his arms.

"Mmm... Daddy?"

"Yeah, baby?"

"Can I have a chocolate? Please?" You ask, and lean to the side to kind of look at his face. Your dad wasn't very strict, so he was most likely gonna give some to you. In fact, he was a very fun dad. He gives a closed eye grin and tilts his head up a bit.

"Sure thing, but you gotta gimme a kiss!" He smiles, and you give him a quick kiss on the cheek. Well, you aimed for the cheek. You ended up kissing his on the eyebrow, because that's as far as you could reach from sitting on his shoulders.

"There you go!" You smile softly and sit back up straight. "Now chocolate please!"

"Comin' right up." He smiles gently, and a few seconds later, you had a small chocolate wrapper in your little hands that he got from the bags. You rip it open and push it in your mouth.

"Yum!" You muffle with a mouthful of chocolate. You see that he's eating one, too.

You continue walking down the foot path, contently bopping up and down from Kirishima's steps. The shopping bags crinkle with every step, and your face feels all warm and tingly from the bright sun. The breeze was nice, too. It was a really pretty neighborhood.

"House incoming!" Kirishima calls out with a smile, and you can see your house up ahead. You smile and swing your legs back and forth, gently tapping his chest. You reach the driveway, and he walks up it until you both are on the porch of your house, both laughing from a stupid joke Kirishima made. He was the master of stupid jokes.

"Okay, little lady, off ya pop!" He smiles, and crouches down so you can slide down his back and onto the ground. You bounce up and down as he stands back up and puts the four bags on the ground. You giggle at the teeny butterfly backpack he was wearing.

"You giggling at my backpack?" He smiles and fumbles with the keys in his hands. He thinks he must look pretty stupid right now. The backpack was so tiny and sparkly and covered in butterflies. "It's manly!" He insisted jokingly with a smile.

"Manly, manly, manly!" You cheer, and bounce around in a circle while he unlocks the front door. You can hear your dog barking and panting from behind it.

"We're comin', girl!" Kiri calls out, with his tongue poking out from concentration. The door pops open, and a brown and white border collie bounded out of the doorway. Her tongue flops out of her big smiling mouth, and she jumps over to you. She knocks you over, and greets you with many sloppy kisses and a bucket-load of slimy spit .

You squeal and clench your eyes shut. "Ew, doggy spit!" You giggle, and Kiri comes up from behind to pull the excited dog off of you. "Ew, ew, ew!"

He laughs and gently pushes her off you. "Come on, girl, no surprise attacks."

You stand up, and while Kiri picks the shopping bags back up, you and the dog sprint past him and down the hallway. He could hear you laughing and Kaiya barking, and smiled to himself. He steps in, closes the door and walks down the hall and into the kitchen.

He drops the heavy bags on the kitchen counter, and turns to the fit of giggles that he hears. He sees you and Kaiya playing with one of her dog toys. He smiles and starts taking the groceries out of the bags.

A few seconds later, there's a bubbly little ball of energy bouncing by his side. "What's for dinner, daddy?"

"I'm thinkin' burgers.." He says, and grunts a little while balancing about 20 things in his arms while he walks to the fridge. He puts them in and closes the fridge door.

"Burgers are yummy. Especially daddy's!" You smile, and carry a single apple to the fruit basket on the dining table, to help your dad put the stuff away. You weren't really doing much, but Kiri smiled at how cute you were by trying to help.

"That's right!" He proudly chuckles, and shoves away another item into the pantry. He always made his famously delicious burgers for all occasions and they were the best. When he turns back, all the shopping has been put away. He picks up the bags and puts them in the pantry so he can use them again for future shopping trips.

"Phew, that's everything." He sighs and leans against the counter. He looks up and sees you standing on a chair and reaching over the dining table to place the apple with the other fruits. 

"Careful there, champ." He chuckles. The apple goes in, and you hop down from the chair onto the floor. Eijirou taps the counter as he walks around it and heads for the hallway. He always gave you a bath before dinner, so that's where he's headed.

"Come on, you gotta have a bath before dinner." He says, and stops so you can run to him and walk down the hall with him. He reaches out, and pushes open the bathroom door open. The air inside was a little chilly, but it was fine.

"Can you do the waterfall thing?" You ask with hopeful eyes and an excited smile. The 'waterfall thing' was something that he always did when he gave you a bath. He gets the sponge, fills it with water and squeezes it over your head to make a 'waterfall'. You thought it was cool.

"'Course, baby." He smiles, and yanks a dry towel out the cupboard for you.

|| Lemme know if you like these uneventful, fluffy one-shots more, or the ones where there's a plot. Thanks, you beautiful people! ||

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