|| Katsuki X Child|Daughter Reader ||

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Hey again, people! Thank you all for the requests, I'm gettin' them done slowly

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Hey again, people! Thank you all for the requests, I'm gettin' them done slowly. It's just difficult because of my other books. And thanks Paige for requesting, I hope that you like it and sorry that it's been a whole month to get done! I like how this came out, even I'm crying from how cute it is.
Bakugou is 30, and the reader is 5 years old.


"And... boomie boom boom!"

You were standing in front of a box of tissues on the living room's coffee table, with both arms out and the cutest determined frown on your face. You kept staring at the tissues and concentrating. You had expected something to happen to the tissues. Anything. Even the teeniest little.. something.

Through the suspenseful silence and your little glare, the tissues just sat there. Doing absolutely nothing. You sigh in defeat and bring down your arms. You just stand there, looking at the tissues sadly with a disappointed pout. 

There wasn't one object in the house that you hadn't tried your quirk on. Not one. Every little hair tie and bowel and magnet and pillow. Even every stone and blade of grass in the back yard.

You were five, and still without a quirk. You kept hanging onto this little, thin thread that you might get a quirk. Surely you would, right? With a father like yours, and his incredibly powerful quirk, surely you would get one. You looked up to him so much, and it made you feel so small and powerless that you would never be like him.

"What would daddy do?" You mumble to yourself and look around the room. There were two couches, a coffee table with a stupid box of tissues on it, a rug, a TV on a TV stand, some picture frames and your dads boots in the corner of the room.

Finally, you spot the cushions on the couch. You smile a cute smile and bounce over to them, and up onto the couch with a big jump. You grunt and stand up on the couch.

"Hm... maybe you!" You spot one of the cushions, with grey stripes going across it. Maybe that one could work, because the last time you tried it was a whole four days ago. You stick both hands and begin trying to use your quirk that you might have.

"Boomie boomie boom!" You call out, but alas, the pillow does nothing. You wait and stare for an extra few seconds, just to make sure. When it doesn't move or explode or turn into stone, you try again but even louder. "POW!"

"Hey, squirt, what's goin' on in here?" Your dad's sudden presence kind of startled you, but you see him walk into the living room with a sandwich on a plate. 

"Trying to explode my pillows again?" He chuckles and sits next to you, handing you the plate and scuffing your hair with a smile and a kiss to your forehead. "I made you a sandwich, so eat up."

You hold the plate when he gives it to you, peering behind him a bit just in case something happened to the pillow. However, it didn't turn green or shrink or anything. You look back up to your dad, who had a little smile on his face as he took his hand away from when he scruffed your hair.

"Maybe we can have a tea break from exploding stuff, yeah?" He asks with a kind smile, and you kept staring a the sandwich with a pout. Your eyes looked like you were in another dimension, because that's how much though you were in.

"Daddy, am I gonna have a quirk?" All within a few seconds, your lip was trembling and your eyes were glossed over with tears. Bakugou was kind of caught off guard, his little girl was always happy and bouncing around, not sad. Although he's not good at admitting anything, it made him sad too.

"Oi, what's with the waterworks, baby?" He says softly, with a gentle look while he cups the side of your face with his giant hand. You sniff, and he feels his heart shatter. "What's the rush?"

Your eyes pull up to meet his, both your red eyes looking into each other. "I need a quirk so you can- you can love me.. Because Daddy is big- and- and super duper strong and I'm not." You cry, and use a tiny hand to wipe the snot and tears away. You feel the plate in your hands be taken away and placed next to you, and two big arms pull you onto your dad's lap.

He looks at you with soft eyes and a sad smile. "Baby, listen, don't say stuff like that." He says quietly, and he presses his cheek on top of your head, and he combs your hair with one of his hands. He doesn't care about all the snot and tears that's seeping into his shirt.

"You think I'd love you more if you can make a pillow explode?" He smiles, and chuckles at your adorable logic. He thought you were perfect. You couldn't be better, and he loved you with every little fiber and drop in his body. He wouldn't change a single thing about you.

He feels you nod into his chest, and he pulls you a little closer. "Well, that's stupid. Okay, my baby? You're my little girl and I love you so, so much, okay? You're my little girl!" He smirks, and tickles you when he said 'my'. His goal's achieved when you start smiling and giggling from being tickled.

"Stop! Stop!" You giggle, and wiggle around in his lap. He laughs and stop tickling you, which gives you a chance to catch your breath.

"See? That's ma girl!" He grins, and leans back on the back of the couch. "You don't need a quirk. Trust me, I love you too much already." He smiles, and he gets one back. You looked so adorable.

"Now, hop to it!" He grins and stands up while placing you back on the ground. He looks down to you and begins walking to the kitchen. "We got a shit-ton of muffins to eat!"

He giggle and follow him, saluting and smiling widely.

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