|| Todoroki X Child Reader ||

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Hello, you gorgeous people! This is a one-shot from my tumblr that I only just posted. Kudos to the anon who suggested this! I know I said I wouldn't post stuff from my tumblr over here, and I generally won't, but this one is just too cute not to.


To any young child, standing besides your mother's legs as she busies herself with choosing fruit from the grocery store stand would be quite mundane. Women with sweaty iron grips on their children's hand and countless young adults wondering aimlessly scooted past you in the past minute, and standing here was starting to bore you. Tremendously.

Having decided that this was the single most boring spot in the milky way, a quick glance up at your distracted mother was all it took for you to squeeze past the shopping cart and into the sea of shoppers. Legs swiftly passed you, and the battered wheels of trolleys clacked around you. There were so many colors and things to touch; this was much better than standing with your mother and watching paint dry.

Waddling carelessly in between all the chaos around you, you made it out of the cramped zoo of a fruit section and out to the real party: the food aisles.

Specifically, the one aisle filled with sugar and sweets that lit up to you like a gold mine.

"Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum." A bigger smile couldn't spread on your face, as your wondrous eyes looked up at the tall shelves of opportunities. So many snacks. The metal railing of aisle drifted past your fingers while you walked further down with no real goal in mind.

At the end of the aisle, at the end of the tile's lines your eyes were driving along, was a tall boy standing alone with something in his hand. The whole world paused in your head, distant chatter drowning out and the loud rustles of crisp packets disappearing. This beautiful specimen had all your attention.

It was in that moment that you decided he looked like a prince. Yep, he was a prince. Like the ones who proudly hold shining swords in your books and the ones who give piggy back rides to their damsel in distress around the beautiful castle court yard. That is exactly who this boy was.

The teen who stood like a shimmering trophy simply placed the item of food back down and wondered towards you with his head swaying in all directions, looking for something. He was definitely looking for his princess.

He mustn't look far though, because you were right in front of him. Despite the fact it was a pity your huge ball gown was absent, it didn't suppress your growing excitement at all. Your fuzzy jumper and shorts will have to do.


The prince stopped in his royal tracks, eyes darting to every corner of the shop before sinking down to another pair, wide and overflowing with shining happiness. Your small hand came up to stretch out fully, waving eccentrically up at him. After his confused eyes searched the aisle for some sort of care giver and saw the lack thereof, his eyes went back down to you.


An excited smile from you near blinded the poor prince. "Hi! Are you a prince?"

The prince's face full of confusion didn't falter, but this time showed a hint of innocent amusement. "No..."

"Are you sure, mister? Very, really, super, duper, smooper sure?"

His shallow nod and smile made you pout. "Yes, I'm smooper duper sure."

His question about the whereabouts of your parents bores you, so when he starts walking along in search of any frantic, panicked adults with a lost kid, you follow. As you do that, you skip and bounce to keep up with his long big people steps.

"Where's your princess?"

"My princess?"

"Yeah, where is she?"

"...I suppose I don't have one."

"But every prince needs a princess! Were you looking for one just now?"

"No, just snacks."

"Can I be your princess?"

He smiles ever so softly, but finds your cute antics amusing. Up until now, his day had been like dry, un-buttered toast: bland and boring, but you were lifting his spirits a bit.

"Of course. What sort of prince would I be without a princess?" He played along with your silly little fantasy.


When the store's food aisle came to an end and you and your prince burst into the busy crowd of hustling adults and clackering shopping carts, he asks you to hold his hand so you wouldn't drift away like in an ocean's nasty rip. With your hands now held, he heads over to the fruit and veg section, where you informed him you just were.

In among all the people eyeing pieces of fruit, your prince spotted a woman with no mind of the fruit around her, instead pushing past people and head spinning in every direction but the fruit. Frantic and very much panicked: the two things a parent with a lost child should be.

When her eyes lock into yours, her whole face of terror melts back down into a pool of sheer relief. "Oh my god, there you are!"

Her muttering of joyful thanks to Jesus and god out there didn't stop when you wrapped your free hand around your mother. Much to your dismay, your other hand was now empty as well because your prince let go of your hand.

She stood, both hands holding your back and your smooshed into her side as if she'd let go and you'd fly away again. She nodded at your savior, eyebrows pulled up in relief. "Thank you so much."

"No problem." He calmly nods back.

After she hauled you onto her hip and started to make her way back to the forgotten trolley of food, your eyes peered just above her shoulder to see the boy, who gave you a royal bow and a smile,

just like a prince.


Let me know if you like this new sorta style of writing. You may not be able to tell, but I've sort of changed my style and will probably stick to it

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