Chapter 3

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I knew about those vampires... Lydia didn't know what she was going to get herself into...

 "Lydia, I cannot help, you are just going to die and endanger all of us." Alice sternly said, her words as sharp as daggers. I haven't seen Alice like this at all, she seemed scared and angry at the same time. Her confidence she always had, diminished. She was as frightened about this as Lydia, except she knew what was happening. 

"Alice, you can't give up on her. I won't let you!" I screamed,my voice echoing though the church. Alice looked at me and Aaron went to Lydia and started tending to her. Aaron seemed to know that when Alice is in this state, its a good idea to get away.

"Quinn, Impureions can track who they bite... Plus there is venom in her system that will make her weaker... not to mention they don't feed on just humans, no, they feed on other vampires. These are the cannibals of all vampires! I can't risk this..." Alice said, she was getting truly emotional, she was frustrated.

"Alice, please, you made a promise to keep your word, you are suppose to help me until either one of us dies. Your promise you have never broken with my family."

"I only made that promise to you and your grandfather, Quinn. I can't just protect every Tom,Dick, and Harry that you call a friend."

I was just getting more and more frustrated as I argued with Alice. Why would she do this?! Did she not understand a cared about Lydia?

"Alice! Please, I need to help Lydia. I don't know how I could live with myself if I gave up on her. Please, I need you, Alice." I pleaded, begging her. 

She gave me a cold stare for awhile. The chills ran down my spine as she looked at me. Alice always helped me when I was in trouble. In a sense, I was like Ciel and she was my Sebastian. She swore to protect me. Just like she swore to my grandfather. 

Then, her eyes then softened and she ruffled my hair, letting out a sigh. "I will do the best I can. But it will be no easy task, we need to notify the Vampire Council of the survival of the condemned vampires. But you two need rest, stay here." Alice said and I gave her a hug, awkwardly. She hugged me back, then pushed me away. I was ruining her big bad vampire image in that one moment. We walked back and announced the news.

"Lydia, we have to travel a long time and get help." Alice said and smirked. "But at this very moment, we all need rest. Tomorrow will be a very long day."

Throughout the night, I couldn't sleep... I got up and went toward some light. The light revealed the shadows of Alice and Aaron.

"I can't give up on them, my dear. Quinn is right, I always stay true to my word."

"Alice, it's dangerous!"

"A vampire's existence is dangerous!"

"I understand,love, but I just don't want to lose you!" Aaron was worried. He shifted nervously.

"Alice, I need you, you are everything to me. I promised to protect you and love you for eternity."

"Aaron, you are coming with me, you don't need to worry. I would never want to go out in the world without you. We are together,forever and ever. No matter what, I need you..." Alice then kissed Aaron. Their passion and their love were a truly eternal bond. You can sense the passion between the two of them. They were an inseparable pair. They were like two halves that perfectly aligned, as if they were made for each other.

"Alice, I love you..."

"I love you too, Aaron."

The candle was then put out, I then went back to bed. Waiting for dawn and the sun to come out. My thoughts stewed in my head as I tried to fall asleep. I was worried about Lydia. She could die. My best friend could die because of the supernatural world I tried to keep her from. 

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