Chapter 20

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Sakata woke up to the bright summer sky. He rubbed his eyes and looked to the side to see the brunette that he was rooming with wasn't in his bed. Guess Urata already got up. He got out of his bed and walked to the kitchen to see Soraru and Kashitarou making their breakfast.

"Good morning niichan, Kashi~"

The two males turned their heads to the sound of their names being called and noticed Sakata's presence.

"Hello Sakata," Kashitarou said while Soraru just gave his brother a smile and turned back to cooking.

"Have you guys seen Urata?" The redhead questioned the two.

Kashitarou gave a small smirk to Sakata, who blushed a bit before looking away from Kashitarou's gaze.

"He went to the store to get some things. He'll be back by now." Soraru said, not looking at his brother.

Sakata smiled and went back into the living room to see Mafu and Senra were playing with Iroha.

"Hey Sakata." Senra said as Mafu waved at the redhead.

Sakata returned the gesture as he sat next to them. Iroha walked up to him and he pet her. She purred in delight as she had the attention of the three males.

"So Shima and Amatsuki are the only ones still asleep?" Sakata asked as Senra nodded.

"Eh? Urata's awake? I would've thought he'd be tired after having to carry someone taller than him yesterday." Mafu commented as Sakata looked at him confused.


"Oh right you were asleep. Wwwww." Mafu giggled as Senra smiled at the redhead.

"Soraru and Mafu made Urata carry your sleeping body to your room."

The comment made Sakata blush at the thought of his crush carrying him.


"Wwwww. Sakata's face matches his hair."

Mafu giggled, they heard the door open and were meet with the sight of Urata, holding bags full of food. Perfect timing Urata~ The brunette stared at his albino friend with a blank expression once he saw the smirk on his face.

"I just got here and the first thing I see is your smirking face. What are you doing Mafu?" The brunette was cautious of the albino, whose smirk grew wider.

"Nothing~ just that you have perfect timing~" Urata just continued staring in confusion.

"Okay...." Urata then turned his gaze at the other two, "hey guys."

"Hello Urata." Senra said as he took a glance at the blushing redhead.

"H-H-Hi U-Urata." Sakata stuttered, he was still flustered by the previous comment and seeing the brunette right now wasn't helping him.

Urata carried me. Urata carried me. Urata CARRIED me. The thought kept repeating in his head as Urata stared at the redhead. He laughed at his expression, he looks adorable. He slightly blushed at the redhead's shy action and laughed to himself.

"Well I'm going to help Kashi and Soraru make our breakfast."

Urata walked into the kitchen as Mafu and Senra snickered at Sakata.

"So Sakata has a crush on Urata."

It was a question but the way Senra said it made it seem like a statement.

"Yep~" Mafu replied as Sakata stared at him with horror in his eyes.

"Eh? You told Senra!?"

Sakata looked at Mafu, who sheepishly smiled.

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