Chapter 1: Problems

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Daniels POV


I woke up in shock from the sound of my annoying alarm clock ringing in my ears, i groaned and slapped my hand on the snooze button, triggering it to shut up for 5 more minutes.

I heard a fimilular creak of my bedroom door being opened, i ignored it and closed my eyes, pulling the covers over my head.
I then heard a cute little giggle come from the edge of my bed, i immediatly knew it was my 5 year old brother Henry.

A small smile crept on my face. This was our daily routine, every morning little Henry would quietly creep into my room and scare me by jumping on me. I never did scare me, but i always pretended it did just to see him smile.

"Wake up!!!" Henry screamed before flying ontop of me, i flew the covers off me and screamed loudly "Ahh a monster, Help!!!" i yelled pretending to be scared. he laugh "You should have seen the look on your face, priceless!" He giggled. I couldnt help but laugh with him, i then picked hom up upside down and started my way down stairs.

"Put me down!" He screeched laughing and hitting me on the back, i just ignored the light little thumps on my back as i walked into the kitchen, i then set hom down on the cupborad.

"Sissy, why did you do that?" He said with a humpf crossing his arms.
"Because you jumped on me, were even" i said laughing as i grabbed an apple from the fridge, once i cut it into boats i put them into a kiddie bowl and handed the bowl to Henry, setting it in his tiny hands.

I then picked him up ( this time not up side down ) aand set him on the couch, turnong on the tv.
"Spongebob Plwease" His small voice squeaked, i smiled and soon spongebob and patrick were on the tv.

I walked back into the kitchen to see my mom making coffee.
"Goodmorning sweetie" she said with a cheery expression, weird.
"You seem brighter than usual" I said with no expression while starting a bowl of lucky charms.
"Well, its a good day" She said pouring hot water into a teacup.

"You drank last night" I said out of nowhere, its just that shes always drunk its weird seeing her this happy.
"Now why does that matter?" she asked raising her voice.
I stood silent.
"Go to your room" She said unexpectedly.
"What?" I asked surprised.
"Go to your room, i told you to never talk about that and with Henry around. really Daniel?" She said now yelling.

"Oh its much worse when your drinking!" I yelled as i stonped up the stairs. I lay on my bed, years forming in my eyes as that terrible memory came to mind.


I was laying on my floor coloring in a Disney princess coloring book, Henry wasnt born yet. It was just Me, my mom and
I was quietly humming the "Under the sea" song to myself when i heard a loud thump. Being the curious child i was i walked slowly out of my room, looking over the railing, i saw a broken beer bottle and mom and dad, with angry expressions on their faces.

"You ate always getting wasted, you dont care about anyone in thos family besides yourself!" My father uelled at my mother.

"Oh shut up! You and Daniel are just worthless pieces of shit!" She screamed throwing an empty beer bottle directly at dads head, he dodged it and then continued "You dont even care that she can hear you and see waht a terrible mother you are!" He said a little quieter.

"Get out of this house, i dont give a damn about you David!" She screamed back.
"You know what? I do want to leave you! Cause your just being a b*tch!" He raised his voice. "And im taking Daniel with me!"
"Oh no your not! Shes staying right here! NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" She yelled flinging a beert bottle at the wall, he stomped out.

Tears were forming in my eyes as i ran back to my room.
'Why did daddy leave?'
'Is he ever coming back?'
'Why is mommy yelling?'

I thought as i looked out my window, i seen headlights pull out of our driveway.

He's gone.

*end of flashback*

Tears were now flowing out of my eyes. Just the thought of seeing a once happy family becoming teared apart just makes me want to die.

"Are you alright sissy?" Henry's small voice asked behind my door.
"Im fin-" i started but soon he was hugging my waste.
"Why are you crying?" he asked looking up at me with big brown eyes.
"Im not" i said spreading a fake smile across my face.

He squeezed me tighter.
"I love you sissy" he whispered smiling up at me.
"I love you too" i said trying not to cry.

Im actually glad i stayed with my whore of a mother, i i didnt Henry would probably be dead for all i know.
Im just glad his father the my mom hooked up with isnt here anymore, he was a deug addict.

And i think im good with one druggy in thos house.

"I have to do my homework Henry" i said lightly pulling him off me.
"Ok, ill leave" he said waving lightly at me before walking out.
"Damnitt" I mumbled to myself as soon as he closed the door. I forgot to do my homework that was dew tomorrow.

I was busy all weekend protecting my little brother from my own mother, last night she had come home drunk, it was awful she began chucking beer bottles at the walls and furniture. She then cursed at me and Henry. After that i picked Henry up and brought him to my room, locking the door. We had spent a restless night laying in my bed holding eachother while mom screamed at us from behind the door.

I sat down and opened my textbook, i had about 5 math sheets not completed infront of me, plus soom math book work. I sighed and got to work.


Holy shit that was a long first chapter but i didnt really know where to end so....
My friend said i should publish it so here it is!
Please read commet and vote that would be really nice!

There a lot more where this came from

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