Big Brother Orb

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"Can you see it?"



I was in Viktor's apartment, early morning.

*Phone rings.

Ethan: Hello.

Frosty: Hello Ethan, Sorry for calling you this early but...

Ethan: It's ok, I'm already up.

Frosty: Yes, so! I gave Maybe the shard, and he said the orb would be done by today!

Ethan: Oh, cool!

Frosty: Meet him at the art gallery later. He will give you the orb.

Ethan: Thanks Frosty.

Maybe was so fast! How could he craft the orb in less than a day? I have crafted orbs before and it took weeks, maybe months!

But he was a philosopher after all, I can't even imagine which terrible things he could do, an orb would be a piece of cake.


Ethan: Hey guys! I'm going to the gallery to get my orb! What ya say? How is our core friend doing?

Jerry: Bad news, Ethan friend...

Elvira: Yep, he's got amnesia.

Ethan: Lord of the Earth! How's he doing?

Jerry: He's ok, but... he doesn't remember much of... anything.

Ethan: Man, this is a disaster!

Elvira: Don't worry, the doctor is taking care of him for now, only time will tell if he can recover properly. And we, we still got a mission right?

Ethan: That's right, Elvira. I gotta go, see you later guys!


The art gallery was pretty crowded that day, there should have been some kind of exhibition going on. I couldn't find Maybe anywhere, he would need to find me.

And he did.

Mr. Maybe: Ethan? Sorry to keep you waiting, I had trouble parking my car.

Ethan: No problem, Mr. Maybe, I just arrived here too. Is there a place we can talk?

Mr. Maybe: Yes, Let's head for The Artist's room.

The Artist? Which artist? Why did they have such random names?

We entered the room in the back of the gallery.

Mr. Maybe: Ethan, this is The Artist. He owns this art gallery. He is also member of the taskforce, with me, the professor and admiral phoenix.

The Artist: Welcome, came to appreciate some art?

Ethan: Oh no no, I actually...

The Artist: I know, Maybe brought your thing, It's so pretty.

Mr. Maybe: Yes, look at it, over there.

And there it was, the Big brother orb, it tracked down the electric pulses from all over the world, I was stunned, it was so perfect...

The Artist: I never understood how these mind games worked, it's so Tyronnian

Mr. Maybe: HA, You and your Tyrone jokes, it's got nothing to do with him.

Ethan: Hey, look Maybe, in the orb, can you see?

Mr. Maybe: Indeed, I already saw it.

Ethan: Do you think it is?

Mr. Maybe: no doubt on that.

The Artist: It is what?

Ethan: The portal, it is open.

The portal was open, and in town. We had to be quick, it would be a matter of time until other found it, if they already didn't.

Mr. Maybe: Can you feel it Ethan? So much energy, so much.

Ethan: Do you think the portal is safe?

The Artist: Don't worry, even if the portal was found, they won't be able to cross it. They would die.

Ethan: Electric creatures won't have the same problem, right?

Mr. Maybe: That's why we got Frosty by our side. But I believe there could be a Frostlec working for McFly.

The Artist: That's the only way he could have provided backup to protect him here.

Ethan: What about the incursion? I don't know what we could expect.

Mr. Maybe: As far as I know, the Yellow Country is powerful, but not militarized. They wouldn't be able to take us down if they wanted to.

Ethan: I don't know... What is he thinking?

The Artist: That same old thing of reaching the core, finding power.

Mr. Maybe: Just remember Ethan, we need to shut down the portal, this is not a race for the emerald thing, this will just make another war.

I got it, McFly could get our world in serious trouble. The countries would face another war if he decided to speak. But he was a coward, he preferred to try reaching the core and being an emperor.

Ethan: How much time we got?

Mr. Maybe: How much time do we need to make a portal usable?

Ethan: One or two months, I guess?

Mr. Maybe: I can open overpass the radiation in a week.

The Artist: Then that's the time we got.

It was time to move. We already had the orb, we can do it, I know we can.

And now I had a powerful weapon, they would be no match for me.

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