Chapter 16 - Together

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I wake up with a jolt and I look around, I'm in the evidence room with Doug lying a few feet away from me still unconscious.

"Where..." I mutter.

I rub my eyes still groggy, and then I remember.

"I hope you can forgive me" his words repeat in my head, how dare he go on without me, I'm his partner.

I stand up and shake off my dizziness before leaving the room, I have no idea how long I've been out, Connor could be at Jericho by now, he could have killed Markus by now I have no idea.

I walk into the main part of the station and see Perkins and a group of his men talking.

"All right, we're calling in all of the troops, the ship is on the east side dock in Ferndale, we're gonna go in and kill all of the androids, anything that moves, shoot it, we can't take any precautions" he informs his troops.

"Yes sir" they all reply, "Alright then, move out" he informs them.

They all grab their gear and leave the station, "Shit" I mutter, if I don't get to Connor in time they'll kill him and everyone else on that ship.

I grab my keys and run out of the station and drive to Ferndale trying desperately to get there before the whole fucking military does.

I make it to Ferndale within 10 minutes because I drove way above the speed limit, I make it to the docks and see the huge ship.

Luckily I think I got here before any of the other cops arrived.

I make my way onto the ship and slip in without notice, every android is running around busy doing other things.

I need to find the leader, but I can't ask anyone or else that'll raise suspicion, I'm sure if the leader were to be somewhere he would be on the top level, so that's where I'll go.

I walk up to the top of the ship and I hear two people talking, I recognize the voices, one is Connor, and the other is Markus.

I pull out my gun and walk into the room where Connor and Markus stand apart from each other, but Connor has his gun aimed at Markus.

I walk in making my presence known to both of them, Connor frowns when he spots me.

"What are you doing, Connor?" I ask, he stares back at Markus and doesn't break his aim.

He doesn't answer me, he just stays staring straight at Markus, "Connor, what are you doing?" I ask, louder this time.

Markus glances at me before returning his attention to Connor.

"I've been ordered to take you alive, but I won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice," Connor says.

"Connor-" I start, but Markus interrupts me.

"What are you doing?" he repeats my question, "you're one of us... you can't betray your own people" he says and takes a step toward Connor.

"You're coming with us" Connor instructs him, this isn't right, none of this feels right.

Markus looks at me, "You're Natasha, aren't you?" he asks me, "you work for Detroit police, you and Connor have been trying to stop us, I know who you are" he says.

"Don't talk to her!" Connor yells.

Markus claps, "Well, congratulations, you seem to have found what you were looking for," he says.

He turns his attention back to Connor, "You're nothing to them" he motions to me, "you're just a tool they use to do their dirty work."

Connor knows that I don't use him, he knows how I feel about him, I can't say the same for everyone else, however.

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