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When we got inside the bathroom and Eddie started running my bathwater with a bit of patchouli oil mixed in, just how I liked it, I began to unbutton my shirt and tugged at my ponytail holder.  I only got halfway through either action when Eddie turned to me and stopped my hands.

“Let me,” he said with his brow knotted up in disapproval.  “I want you to relax.”  He pulled the elastic all the way off of my hair, causing tangled waves to spill over my shoulders and down my back, then he picked up unfastening my shirt where I had left off.  I gazed at his hands.  They appeared even smoother and more expressive than I had noticed before, deftly loosening each button from its loophole.  His palms grazed my bare shoulders as he pushed my shirt off and let it fall to the floor behind me, then they slid unimaginably slowly down my back and around the waistband of my jeans to the front button.  Eddie unfastened this with the same smoothness and knelt before me to slide my pants down my thighs, his skin never abandoning mine. 

Eddie was as cool as a cucumber, breathing evenly and calmly, his brow still furrowed as if he was concentrating very hard. I, on the other hand, was panting like a Labrador by now.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of him—the way he looked closely at every inch of my skin that he uncovered made me blush and sent electric flutters through my chest. I stepped out of my jeans and started pulling gently on Eddie’s shirt, wanting him to come up off of his knees so I could do what my body practically cried out for: kiss him and never stop.

Eddie resisted, though, looking up at me and shaking his head slightly.  That’s when the twinkle in his eye appeared, though he did not smile.  His hands, which were all the while resting on my legs, ran slowly from my calves up to my thighs.  Eddie didn’t squeeze, he didn’t pinch, he didn’t apply the slightest pressure… he just felt me, his eyes taking in the sensation just as much as his hands as he quietly regarded the object of his affection.  

Taking his palms away from my thighs, he stood and dragged three fingers of each hand up and over my lace-clad hips, then up my bare waist and around to the back of my bra, leaving me covered in goose bumps.  I reflexively let out a shaky sigh, the shudder he brought forth from my core being too much to overcome.  I started to reach for Eddie’s chest, but he cocked his head ever so slightly to the left and signaled for me to stop.

“No… not yet, Isabelle,” he said.  The words were spoken softly, but Eddie’s rich baritone reverberated through the tiled bathroom.  I breathed in, trying to settle my libido, but nothing about this experience was making it easy.  I wasn’t sure how long I could honor Eddie’s requests to remain still…

He unhooked the back of my bra with one continuous movement of his right hand, while his left started removing the straps from my shoulders.  My bra fell to the floor so dramatically, it could have made a thud when it hit the ground. Eddie gazed intensely at my exposed chest the same as he had my legs, concentrating on each curve, a combination of childlike wonder and very adult longing spread over his face.  Without him even touching me, then, I felt a surge of want run through me and I let out a soft whimper.  I needed Eddie’s touch.  I needed to taste his kiss.  He understood this and closed the small space between us, finally bringing his mouth to mine, but being sure the rest of his body remained at a tiny distance.  Our tongues made one sweet pass at each other and then Eddie withdrew, his hand moving to trace my jaw.

“Just one kiss for now.  You’re so tense, Isabelle.  It’s written all over your skin… we need you to relax,” Eddie murmured, making it very clear now that it was his plan all along to work me up to the edge of sexual frustration.  He almost smirked, but smiled widely with his eyes which he directed toward my mouth. His blue gaze was practically dripping with the unique and velvet-dark moisture of wanting.  I had no idea where his superhuman self-control came from or how he was able to maintain it for so long.  He saw the frustration come to a head in my features and decided it was time to ease my suffering.

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