I live in a world where I feel powerless. Where I can do nothing to help the millions of impoverished citizens around the world. Where I can't remind every person who's isolated and depressed and who hates themselves and assumes that the feeling is mutual among others that they do matter and someone does care about them. Where I can't get rid of everyone's pain. Where I can't even offer my home to orphaned or fostered children because my family can't even afford it. A world where I feel like I can't even make a difference. But I always have to remind myself that I can make a difference. I can't fix everyone's problems. I can't save everyone's lives. But I can offer a smile to a stranger. I can offer love and assurance to those close to me. I can offer what little help I can give and relish in the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of others who do their part, though small, to improve the lives of the people around them. And I can care for my own happiness as well, knowing that I'm part of that percentage and that maybe, just maybe, I may have changed someone's life today for the better.
I Live In A World...
PoesiaThis is actually poetry... sorta. Some are more like short stories or monologues each starting with the same phrase "I live in a world..." (You know... hence the title). WARNING: Some content found in this piece of writing may be heavy or slightly...