Truth or Dare

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Tord pov

After a boering hour of learning nothing new I went to lunch and I saw Tom and the others. I went to them and started to talk about things that we have heard over the school. Of course I did not have much to say so I change the subject to something that we could all do. "Hey guys do you know want to play a game rather talking about stupid things about  school" "yeah sure why not are Matt, Tom are you up" "no I'm good edd I don't want play none of your stupid games" right after Tom said that edd gave him a death glare which looks like the one that a mother would give you after you did something wrong."fine I play" "let's play truth and dare . I go first edd truth or dare." "Umm... dare." I Dare you to throw away all the cola in your bag." The instent he said that edd look like he was about to cry but he got up and grab his bag an took about 3 cokes and then threw them in the trash can."*sniff* okay Tom truth or dare" "Dare" "okay I dare you to go sit in Tord's lap" " okay" I blush when edd said that dare but what made blush more is when Tom sat on my lap. "Okay Tord truth or dare" "umm truth" " then what's your sexuality Tord" " straight as a noddle" I smiled.

Time skip to about 15 min

"Okay Tom truth or dare "  "dare me commie" " okay I dare you to come to my house for a sleepover today" "w-what uhh no" "don't be a chicken Tom " both Matt and edd said will making chicken  noise. "Okay I will but first we have to stop by at my house to grab some clothes for me" "okay fare with me" I gave him a smirk. The bell rung and we had to go to are afternoon classes.

"Bye guys. see you soon tommy~" I wink at him and left threw the doors.

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