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I don't even have time to say anything before Luke is screaming his head off, grabbing my arm and yanking me towards the door. I drop my phone and the papers, only managing to grab one of the books before I see what he's yelling about.

The figure is charging straight at us, full speed, it's hanging jaw swinging back and forth and it's ripped straight jacket clearly visible. Now I understand why Luke sounds like a 5 year old girl on steroids.


I rip my arm from his grasp and force myself to move, running as fast as I can down the hall we just came from. Luke is right beside me, looking like he just had a glimpse of hell itself.

We reach the end, where the doors are supposed to be. Supposed to be. All that's there is a blank wall.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE THE DOORS?!" Luke yells, ramming his fists against the wall.

My body slams into the hard surface, eyes darting side to side, desperate to find somewhere to run. The creature is gaining on us, I can tell by it's footsteps. A hallway stands to my right. Was that there before?

"Come on." I grab his hand and jerk him in that direction, running as fast as my body ables me to.

We sprint straight down the pathway, passing doors after doors and Luke getting in front of me because his legs are like a million feet long. It isn't long before my breathing is haggard, my legs throbbing with pain. I can't run much farther.

My head is pounding, I can't think staight... oh no, not now.

We need to find a place to hide, and fast.

I force myself to run faster, my sneakers skidding as I follow Luke around a corner. My throat is dry, my chest tightening. He looks back at me briefly, giving me a reassuring look. I cough, blinking hard, only to see a large set of stairs appear in front of us, creating a dead end.


He turns back around, but it's too late. I watch in horror as his feet ram into the bottom step, his body flipping and his head slamming against the edge of a stair, causing him to slump back onto the ground just as I'm skidding to a stop.

"Luke!" I yell, falling on my knees next to him. A huge knot starts to form in my throat. He's clutching his head, curled up in a ball, moaning in pain.

I can hear the creatures footsteps getting closer, it'll be turning the corner any minute now.

My head pounding, my chest searing with pain, I grab Luke's arm and literally drag him into a room not far from the staircase, slamming the door and falling to the ground. My stomach is churning, I try to pay attention to Luke, but I feel like I'm about to throw up. My head is doing more then just pounding now, it's aching and stinging like I have brain damage or something.

"L-Luke I-."

It's all in your head.

"I.. I can't..."

Don't let it control you.

"I'm- I'm sorry."

The last thing I see is Luke's limp body, laying up against the wall, blood running down his face before my head hits the floor and my mind slips from reality.

Ally's Pov.

Calum is now pacing in front of the truck, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Try to call her again." He mutters.

"Calum, calm down. Its only been 15 minutes." Michael says, even though his voice sounds nervous too.

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