Chapter 22

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Kyan's POV

I stood in front of the rogue and punched him. I was currently in my torture room and was beating up a rogue. He was in silver covered handcuffs and was badly injured.

He tried to overtake my pack but I caught him before he could do anything. My eyes turned grey meaning Storm was in control.

"You really thought you could overtake my pack, did you?" Storm snarled. The rogue lifted his head and said in a weak voice "Fuck you!"

Storm didn't like that so he punched the rogues jaw. I heard a crack and knew Storm just broke the rogues jaw.

"Don't ever disrespect me. I think your forgetting that you are in my torture room." Storm said in a calm voice.

He allowed me to take control again. I smirked at the rogue and waved. I walked to my room.

I walked to my walk in closet since my clothes were soaked with blood.

I looked at the women side of the walk in and instantly sadness filled me. I missed Kassandra.

I changed into some workout clothes.

I went to the gym and my music started blaring from the speakers.

Love story By Taylor Swift came on. This song reminded me of me and Kass. I went on the treadmill for 10 minutes. I then lifted the dumbbells 50 times for each arm.

I then grabbed walked to the pull up bar and lifted myself up 200 times. Once I was tired, I ran outside and looked at my mansion.

I shifted into my wolf and ran outside the perimeter of the house. Once the sun started setting, I ran back to the mansion. I made myself stir fry and put some in a plate.

I ate as I watched the hitman's bodyguard. That is my favourite movie. I then watched the three expendable movies. They are also my favourite movies.

I walked lazily to my bed and flopped on to it. I slept as the thought of a certain brown eyed beauty flashed through my mind.

Kassandra's POV

I yawned and got up. I jumped in the shower and picked out my outfit for today. I wore a white shirt with a grey leather jacket and dark blue skinny jeans.

I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I kissed Mom and Dad on the cheek and ate pancakes with the boys.

I went in the G-wagon with Ash, Elijah and Ethan. We arrived at the school and parted ways. I walked to my locker and greeted Calvin. We walked to English together and sat near each other.

I handed the project me and Grayson did to Mr Wilson. Finally lunch came and I was so relieved. I bought chicken nuggets and fries.

I ate in silence as Delilah kept droning on and on about Storm. I chuckled at her and walked to last period. I had science so I walked to Mrs Jackson's biology class.

Science was finally over and I ran to the car. Ashton sat in the drivers seat. I walked to the passenger side and put The Monster by Rihanna and Eminem.

We drove home and saw Mom and Dad standing in the lobby. "We're going Italy tomorrow since we thought it would be a nice vacation for us. You're allowed to bring a friend."Dad said.

We all cheered. Mom said "Come on! Boys go with your dad and Kassy your with me."

Me and mom went in the Bugatti divo and the boys went in the G-wagon. We went to the mall and split. Me and mom first went to a number of shops.

We both got a pair of black denim shorts, blue denim shorts, off shoulder tops, jackets, shirts, bathing suits and a bunch of other clothing.

My feet hurt so I texted everyone that I was going to the food court. I sat at a table and looked up when I heard my name being called.

I saw Calvin."Hey! I just got your text and I can't wait to go to Italy. I've already done my shopping." He said. If your wondering why I didn't invite Lex and Jay it's because they were going to Morocco at the end of the month and didn't want to go.

Me and Cal waited for the rest to come. Ashton came and said "Holy shit! Who the hell is that?"

"Don't you have a mate? He's my bestie, Calvin." I said. Calvin waved and I introduced everyone to Cal. "Hey! I thought I was your bestie." Ashton shouted. I laughed and said "Not anymore."

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