Chapter 45

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Kyan's POV

It's been 5 months since I've last seen cupcake. I've been losing my mind. I keep replaying every memory I have of her including her reaction when she punched me when she realised I was cheating on her.

I don't know what pushed me to cheat but I regret it. I'm especially pissed as I know she won't take me back because of my stupid half brother.

I knew about us being half brothers but I didn't want to say anything. I could tell they were mates by the they looked at each other.

It pissed me off. The worst thing as well is that Kasey is near her due date and wants me to be near her in case she has an early birth.

I sat down in the dark, in my training room, my knuckles bloody from hitting the punching bag too hard. I've destroyed over 5 punching bags in the past month.

The silence was interrupted when I heard a loud ear screeching scream. I sighed and got up.

I followed the screeching and saw Kasey on the floor. There was blood and water all over the floor. I mind linked the pack doctor to come quick.

I exited the room and after 3 hours, I got the news the baby was healthy. I entered the room and saw the baby. I rushed over to him and cradled him close to me.

His eyes opened and watched me curiously. My wolf was excited but annoyed his pup wasn't Kassandra's.

'We should name the baby Sebastian Nico Adams.' Storm said. "Why Sebastian?" I said. 'Because his nickname will be bastian or bass and that's close to bastard and it'll remind you of losing Kass.' He said, annoyed.

I growled and was about to speak when he snarled, 'It's your fault we're in this mess so deal with it.' I shut up and said to the doctor "His name will be Sebastian Nico Adams."

The doctor nodded and wrote it on the kids birth certificate. I walked to my room with Bass and bathed him. I changed him into some fresh clothes and sighed when he began crying.

I paced back and forth, rocking him back and forth until he quietened down. I placed him in his crib in his nursery which was joined to my room.

I changed into some comfortable clothes and jumped onto my bed. I switched on the Tv and saw it was on Werewolf news. I saw Kass and Dante hold hands at an arcade with the caption 'Kassandra Williams has moved on from Kyan Adams?'

I growled and smashed a hole in the wall. A few seconds later, bass started to cry. I stormed into his nursery and looked at him, annoyed.

My nails grew in size. He saw them and started to cry more. I retracted them and picked him up and rocked him back and forth.


Kassandra's POV

It's been 2 years since I last saw Kyan and Dante marked me. I have a rose on my neck now instead of a bitemark and he has a matching one on his neck from where I marked him. He proposed to me last night in the most adorable way ever.

Dante and I are at Disneyland as a vacation. We arrived in Paris 4 days ago and todays the last day we're here.

"Take the picture already." I said. I was standing next to Mickey Mouse and Dante was taking forever to take the photo.

"Did it!" He said, excitedly. I laughed and went to take a photo of him with Mickey. I took it and showed him. "I look cute." He said.

I laughed and watched as he asked a random girl to take a photo of us. Little did I know, he asked the girl if she could take a video.

He stood next to me and smiled. He then put his hands over my eyes. "Don't look until I tell you to look." He said.

I nodded and opened my eyes once he told me to see him kneeling on one knee with a ring box in his hands.

I gasped. "Kassandra Evelyn Williams, Will you marry me?" He said. He stood up and I jumped on him. "Yeah!" I said before smashing my lips on his. He twirled me around and let me down after a while. He slipped the ring on my finger.

We came back to New Jersey just an hour ago and we were going to tell my family about our
Engagement. We are all going to meet at a restaurant just 20 minutes away. Mom asked everyone to dress formally.

I wore a white lace dress and I decided to leave my hair open in curls and white heels.

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