Chapter Five

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Sally's POV


Luke. I couldn't stop thinking of him. Why? Ive never felt this before. Could this be love? Nah. As if.

There was a knock on the apartment door.

"Sally?" I heard Trouble yell.


"You know that guy you were saying had gorgeous blue eyes with a sexy lip piercing?" Trouble was yelling.

"Er Luke yeah? T?"

"Well he's here now!" she yelled.

Sprinting out of my room, I slapped a hysterical Trouble and Heather. There was Luke looking really awkward.

"Shut up T," I hissed, making the laughs louder.

"I never said that. Never!" I cried.

Luke gave me the 'suuurreeee' look.

"Lets just get out of here," I whined, storming out, Luke behind.

Heather's POV


"Her face was priceless!" I screached.

Me and Trouble were on the floor, in tears over the last hour. We couldn't speak for laughter. Joe must of heard because he came in, laughing.

"T, you are the biggest arsehole ever!" he sighed, wiping away a tear.

We calmed down after ten minutes.

"So, which do ya like best?" I poked T's arm.

Trouble's POV


Michael. He was just gorgeous.

"Michael, what about you?" I say, poking her back.

"Ashton. His dimples are deeper than my vagina," she giggled.

My Macbook began to yell at us.

Nathan was Skyping.

"Nathan!" I yelled.

"Trouble!" he yelled back. He was dressed in his jeans without a shirt. His abs.

"Miss you," I say.

"You too," he looked miserable.

"Look Nath. I have to go. Love you, byeee!" I blow him a kiss before slamming my Mac shut.

"Lets go exploring again!" I say.

"Lets get changed first!" Heather mocked my enthusiasm.

I looked down at my pikachu onsie.

Selecting a Green day tee and my favourite black jeans, my mind began to turn to Michael. His hair. His laugh. No brain you love Nathan. Not Michael. The strop head. I love Nathan! But Michael- STOP IT BRAIN. I mentally cursed myself. Lacing up my converse, I made sure my hair was down and straight.

"Im ready!" I called to Heather.

"Same. Lets go!" she appeared with a floral head band, a white shirt and a floral skirt. She put on her pumps and we walked out of the apartment. Immediately, I saw Ashton walking our way.

"Hi Ash!" I smiled at him.

"Hey T!" he smiled back, exposing his dimples.

"Hi Ash!" Heather smiled.

"Hi, erm, Heather?" he looked confused.

"Yes its Heather," her cheeks flushed red.

"Ah cool. You girls wanna hang with us?" he gestured to Calum and Michael.

"Yeah, cool," I nodded casually at Calum. He grinned back.

After half an hour of chilling with them, me and Heather were best mates with these childish boys.

"Ok guys. See you later!" Heather yelled.

"Ok. Bye!" Ashton yelled back to us as we walked back to our place.

As soon as I got in, I skyped Nathan.

"Hey T," he grinned, still shirtless.

"Baby! Come back to bed!" I heard a girls voice. Nathan looked at me, awkward tension in the air. A blonde tall girl appeared on the screen.

"Nathan? What?" I felt a lump in my throat.

"Im his girlfriend. Hi, you must be his cousin," she smiled. Nathan looked guilty.

"No, I'm his girlfriend. Nathan? So I see you got over me then. You dick! " I muttered.

"Trouble, listen-"

"I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN!" I screamed at him.

"I know-"

"You fucking cheated on me! Just never speak to me again. Never. Bye Nathan," My voice narrowed into a whisper.

"No, Trouble wait. Please,"

"Goodbye Nathan," my irritated voice repeated. Slamming my laptop shut, I ran into Joe's room.

"Trouble get out," he glared at me.

"WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE ME?" I screamed, bursting into tears.

"Shit. Trouble. Im sorry,"

"No. Just leave me alone,"

I ran out. Out of the apartment. I need to calm down. Sitting on the closest bench to the apartment, I smacked my face into my hands.

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