Chapter Thirty Six

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Michaels POV


"Hello?" Chloe asks, opening the door.


Shes on the floor.
"Did you just fecking shoot her?" Sally gets up.
"Its called my fist," Bryce fucking Holland.
"You little immigrant! Just wait until I get my hands on you. Then you'll be sorry," Heather growls.
"I won't be. Shes an over reacting bitch,"
"Don't talk about my woman like that!" I snap, joining Heather and Sally.
"I talk to her how I want. Free country," Bryce shrugs.
"Its not actually. It costs you loads to buy houses, food, clothes. Theres laws, theres police to enforce them and-" Ashton explains but is interrupted.
"Theres a doctor," Peter comes up behind Bryce.
"Yes Peter!" Cal laughs. I crouch next to Chloe and pick her up, putting her on the couch.
"Oh, its him. The guy who is too old to be a doctor," Bryce rolls his eyes.
"You are never too old to be the doctor!" Ashton gasps.
"Bryce do us all a favour and shut up, will you?" Peter makes a disgusted face which makes me laugh.
"Do you want to make me?"
"I do. But, you see, I have better things to waste my time with peasants like you,"
"HE USED MY FAVOURITE WORD!" Chloe shouts from the couch.
"C! You ok?"
"Yeah," she gets up, kisses my cheek, runs over to Peter and hugs him.
"Woah! Not hugs!" He laughs, hugging back.
"Oh its the shit bag," I hear a familiar voice.
"GERARD!" Chloe screams, running to a rather startled Gerard. He smiles, and runs to Chloe. They collide in a hug.
"This is weird. Too many people," Luke looks around. And hes right.
Bryce, me, C, Sal, Heath, Ash, Luke, Cal, Gerard and Peter.
"Luke, be kind to the guests," Sally laughs, purposely messing up his quiff.
"Sally!" Luke pouts, tickling her.
"You look better with it down," Sally says.
"Yeah. You look beautiful," Calum laughs.
"Thanks babe," Luke winks at Cal and Sally folds her arms.
"Heyy!" She protests.
"Cake comes first. Priorities," Calum sticks his tongue out at Sally.
"Fuck you," Sally turns away.
"Speak for yourself Cal, Suke comes first," Luke sasses.
"Good boy!" Sally pats Luke on the head.
"Ha!" Luke sticks his middle finger up at Cal who runs into his bedroom 'crying'.
"Well Bryce, it was nice seeing you," Chloe beems at him, pushing Peter and Gerard in the apartment and shutting the door.

We all sit down and Chloe snuggles into me. My arm fits around her waist and Gerard smiles at us. Peter has to go so he does and its us eight.
"Lets put some music on," Luke says, "any suggestions?"
"Can we have a break from metal and put The Wanted on?" Ash asks.
"YES ASHTON!" Chloe air high fives him.
Luke shakes his head, him and Gerard exchanging glances.


"There like this all the time?" Gerard raises his eyebrows.
"Yep," I laugh.

"STAY GOLD FOREVER!" Chloe and Ashton are the only ones singing now. Everyone else's voices are hurting and Gerard is still looking confused.

"Can we sing a my chem song?" Chloe look at me.
"Yeah. Lets," I smile.

"GIVE ME A SHOT TO REMEMBER AND YOU CAN TAKE ALL THE PAIN AWAY FROM ME!" Chloe and Gerard scream. They sing the rest of The Sharpest Lives and now Chloe's voice has gone hors.

Gerard leaves so its just us. Everyone else is asleep and Chloe is watching, you ready? Doctor Who.
"I cant believe Im saying this but Im too tired for Doctor Who," she sighs, flicking off the TV. She turns to me and kisses me passionately. I kiss her back. Then it turns out into a snogging session, sloppily making out on the couch.
"I love you Mikey," she smiles once we have finished.
"I love you too C," I smile back.
Chloe cuddles me and soon falls asleep.
I slide down so its more comfy and I also go to sleep.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

"SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!" Everyone screams, causing me to jump up, off the couch.

"Ugh. Spongebob really? Was that necessary to wake me up?" I grumble, padding over to the kitchen.
"Yes, it was," Chloe walks over to me, "mornin Clifford."
"Morning," I rub my eyes sleepily and pull her into a hug.
"Shhh Spongebob is on," Sally scowls at us and throws a handful of cookie crisp cereal at me. I open my mouth and catch a cookie inside it.
"Nice catch," Chloe grins at me.
"Hehe," I wink at her.

We watch the rest of Spongebob and have breakfast.

"What you guys wanna do today?" Luke turns off the TV.
"I wanna go shopping," Heather goes to get a glass of water.
"Yeah," Chloe agrees with her.
"No. Luke, we need to work on the band," Calum snaps. What got into him?
"Aw Cal, maybe a nice pair of high heels will cheer you up," Sally jokes.
"Sally, Im serious. We could film a few songs and put them on YouTube," Calum gets Chloe's Mac and goes on to the Capture app.
"Guys, leave the editing and filming to Chloe. She has her own YouTube channel. She vlogs," Sally says.
"Yeah, when I can be bothered," Chloe sips at a coffee.
"Please? For us?" Calum pouts.
"Yeah ok," she finishes her coffee and gets her iPod out.

"Hey guys, we're 5 Seconds Of Summer. Im Michael, thats Ash, theres Luke and thats Calum. Directory work done by Chloe. Ok, we are gonna do a cover of Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus. Like subscribe and stuff!" I introduce the band.
"One, two, three, four," Calum counts us in and then we perform it.
We play it perfectly and finish.
"THANKS GUYS!" Ashton screams and Chloe stops filming.

"You were amazing, as always!" Chloe squeals, hugging me.
"Come on, get editing," Calum pushes Chloe off me.
"Well someone hasn't had there Weetabix this morning have they?" Chloe sulks, connecting her iPod to her Mac, "if you want me to sort the video out you could be a little nicer to me. Oh, I get it. Man period."
"Take him to the hospital coz he just got burned," I high five Chloe and Calum glares at us.

"Ok, your video is now on YouTube," Chloe shuts her mac and cracks her knuckles.
"Thank you!" I pick her up and spin around with her.
"Cant wait to see you get hits," she smiles, hugging me.
"As if," Cal scoffs.
"What is up with you today?" I look at him.
"Right. So your having a tantrum for no reason?" Chloe raises her eyebrows.
"SHUT UP!" Cal screams at her.
"I WILL!" She screams back.
"WHAT THE HELL? YOU CANT JUST QUIT ON THEM LIKE THAT. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? Cal, you're being unreasonable. I did an hour of editing and half an hour on setting up the account for you and your not even a little grateful? Last time I do anything for you," she opens her Mac book and checks the views.
"500,000 views already. You sure you want to quit?" She grins.
"Maybe I'll stay for a little longer," Cal sits on the couch.
Chloe slams her mac shut and stands up.
"Im going to have a shower and get changed at ours. Sal? Heath? Coming?" Chloe asks.
"Yeah," they say and walk out.
"See you later," Chloe kisses my cheek and runs to catch up with Sally and Heather.

"What is your deal with Chloe?" I grab Calum's wrist.
"Shes such a bloody drama queen. I mean, all she does is say how horrible her life is and expects sympathy,"
"Thats a load of crap," Ashton glares at Cal, "your just jealous that shes dating Michael and not you."
"Is this true?" I ask him, clenching my jaw.
"Why would I like Chloe? Shes a bitch,"
Bam. I hit him.
"No one calls my girl a bitch," I growl.
"You did," Calum narrows his eyes at me.
"I didn't mean it,"
"But you did,"
"Well I had the decency to apologise," I fire back.
"Decency my arse. Just because shes a care kid and shes lost her mum and both of her brothers, and her dads a smack head, she wants attention," Calum shrugs.
I am furious.
"Take. That. Back,"
I grab him by the shirt and shove him back against the dishwasher. He falls against it, stands up and hits me back. I punch him harder and he kicks me.
It turns into a fight.


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