Part 3 changed feelings

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Hello few people reading this I hope you enjoy please point out mistakes and art ideas for a better cover please. Enjoy.

Keith's POV

After I woke up I felt that familiar num feeling. I sigh and get dressed. I look at the clock on my wall it's like 5:30. I walk along the dark halls to the training room pondering.

Keith's thoughts: how am I supposed to face the team, what am I going to do. I'm half of the enemy I'm supposed to fight?

I arrive at the training room.

" start training level 106 stage 3." I yell

Lance's POV

I wake up from my nightmare gasping. I get up after while and walk to my bathroom splashing water on my face. I think about my nightmare.

Warning if you are uncomfortable about suicidal thoughts skip to the X.

Flashback to Lance's nightmare.

Lance your such a sl*t and you are gross, nothing, 7th wheel, annoying. Those words ring around me. Shut up i say the voice lower. Then I wake up.


I sighand head out of the bath room and walk around the castle until I hear my cru-rival yelling "start training level 106 stage 3."

Lance's thoughts: What has the mullet been doing secret training, wait actually it's not that surprising.

I watch as keith gracefully dodges an attack from a bot. Then he starts to be over powered by 8 or 9 bots.

"Stop simulation." I yell.

Keith's POV

The bots start to pile on top of me then a voice shouts "Stop simulation!"

I look behind me and find lance. "Why did you stop the simulation lance." I say irratably

"Because you were under like 10 bots you stood no chance against that many at once on top of you." He says with concern.

I sigh. " Ya your probably right, I'm going to get breakfast do you want to come." I say nervously to my crus-friend. I meant friend.

"Sure." He says

"Wait I was being sarcastic because I thought you would say no especially since I'm half of your enemy." I say with surprise.

"Well it's like you said, he talks with a smile, It does not matter because your our friend." He points out.

I look at him with surprise then shake my head "ok then race you to some goo." I say with a little happiness in my voice. Then me and lance run to the kitchen. He starts overpower me as we get closer to kitchen but I run fast and feel this burst of energy "This feels accelerating." I thought. After I speed into the kitchen I stop and hungrily gulp air into my lungs. Then lance runs in when I'm at the table already eating.

"" He says in between gasps. "Especially with.....such...small...legs." He gasps panting.

"Please lance I am only a few centimeters shorter than you, plus...I look at him with a smug face, i'm faster than you."

"Ok then all hail the king if running keith." He says while bowing, then proceeds to fall on his face.

I bust out laughing while I try to hide it with my hand.

He looks at me with surprise and something else though I cant figure it out.

"What." I say after I stop laughing

"You never laugh, it's kinda cute." He says.

I then blush so hard I look like an apple, then turn away and fold my arms against my chest

"I'm not cute." I mumble.

He walks up behind me as the rest of the team walks in and tickles me in my stomach. I then start snorting and laughing while Lance's is tickling as the others look in amusement. I fall off the chair while still laughing. I start having trouble breathing and Lance's stops tickle me as I start breathing in and sit back on my chair while I hide my embarrassment.

"Omg keith that was adorable." Hunk squeals.

"Ya you never laugh but you snort when someone tickles you." Pidge says with her gremlin face pushing up her glasses.

"Oh shut up." I mumble as I sink deeper in my chair.

And everyone starts laughing and we all start having so breakfeast.

Alright over 700+ words. I hope everyone enjoys envisioning keith snorting while laughing. Oh and the picture on top is the unfinished cover I'm currently working on. Hope you all will like when I'm done. Bye. And some people vote and comment please because not many people do that as I am a new author.

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