Part 4: Painful Transformation

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Omg almost 30 reads you people are awesome. Thank you so much. you make me so happy to know that someone appreciates my words for once in a while. As you guys can see I made a better cover please comment your opinions on it it took forever to make. I am literally crying right now because of the ninja's cutting lemons. Anyways please point out mistakes and enjoy.

Lance's POV

After everyone got their food goo for breakfast we all started to eat that's when I noticed that Keith was asleep on his hand. "Um guys look." I said as I pointed to Keith. everyone looked to keith and saw that he was sleeping.

Shiro sighs "of course he tried himself out."

" I will take him to his room." I say as I walk over to pick him up. I pick him up bridal style and as i lift him in my arms he snuggles closer to my chest and erupts a loud purr. I blush as everyone looks at him with surprise.

"Omg that is so cute." Hunk squeals.

"It must because he is galra or because of a certain someone holding him In his arms." Pidge says with a smirk.

I blush deeper.

"Well he always did purr when he was sleeping, I thought that was weird for a person I guess that axplains it." Shiro says with a smile.

"I guess the big bad keith is a kitten, but don't tell him I said that." I say with a smirk. "Well bye I'm taking him to his room now." I say I walk away with keith in my arms. Once we reach Keith's room the door slides open and i set him on his bed and tuck him in. I kiss him his forehead. "Goodnight kitten." I mumble as I walk away and out of his room to see shiro standing by the door smirking. "You did not happen to hear or see that did you." I say with an embaresed look on my face.

"Oh I did see and hear everything, you like keith dont you." He says with a knowing look on his face.

"Um, I guess I do, I dont know yet." I say with a blush on my face looking down.

"Its fine, plus you two look cute together." Shiro says with wink which makes me flush more as he walks away.

Before he gets far we both hear whimpers from Keith's room we both turn back to Keith's room and we see keith has purple creeping along his neck.

"Go get coran." Shiro says with a serious face.

I nod and find the older advisor in the medical bay "Coran keith Is turning purple." He looks up from his work and we start heading down to Keith's room. Once we arrive at Keith's room we see he is writhing on the bed. "Ok all we can do is wait for keith to finish transforming then we can see what to do." Coran said calmly.

Time skip 1 hour

Keith's POV

I open my eyes to see shiro, lance, and coran around me. I sit up and look around to see that I am in my room on my bed. "What happened." I say sleepily.

"Well you have transformed but apparently your skin stayed in its regular color accept for you hands" Shiro explains.

"Oh." I feel my ears on my head droop a little. "Can I go to the bathroom." I mumble.

"Sure." Shiro says after gaining approval from coran.

I get up a walk to the bathroom and shut the door. I walk up to the mirror and see my reflection. I look at my reflection and see purple and white ears and my head and see a fluffy purple tail and claws on my hands. My skin starts turning purple as I freak out.
Shiro comes to see me purple and having a panic attack and tries to calm me down. I hear voices and see lance crouching next me i hear him saying "keith start counting with me when you can, ok."

He says calmly. I nod. He starts counting and once he reaches fifteen I start counting with him and once we reach twenty five I am calm and my skin goes back to normal. And he picks me up and sets me on my bed and he asks "Can I touch your tail." He says foundly.  

I nod and once he starts petting tail I sink into my bed and a rumbling risises from my throat even though I try to stop it. "Ok that's enough." I say as i pull my tail from his while he wears a look of surprise.

"What." I mumble.

"You purred." He says with a smug look on his face.

"Oh shut up." I mumble as I blush a little.

"You know you love me." he says with his signature grin.

"Yea I do." I mumble but he still hears. Thats when I notice shiro and coran leaving. "You love me?" He says with a suprised look on his face.

"Uhhh g go away lance." I say as I push him a little.

"Nah." He says with a smile. "Keith I love you too will you be my boyfriend?" He asks with a red face.

"uhhm sure." I say as I stuff my face into my pillow embarrassed. Then I feel a hand lift my face and lips press into mine. I see lance kissing me I close my and kiss back and I feel like electric currents are passing through me. After a few seconds we pull away even though it felt like hours it was quick but is was powerful.

Time skip

Keith's POV still

"I guess we are official, so when are going to tell them about us." Lance says as he plays with my hair with my head in his lap.

"I dunno, soon, but not now." I mumble falling asleep as lance pets my ears and plays with my hair. "Go to sleep, you should be tired and you sound tired."

"Fine, goodnight." I mumble. And the last thing I hear before drifting off is "I love you, keith."

Phew that took forever, sorry if it seems a little rushed but I started losing motivation because I'm kinda having a bad day but i hope you all enjoy see ya and plus this thing is over 1000+ words so ya its long. I will try to update tomorrow.

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