Wonderland Carnival

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Wonderland Carnival

Halo Zero: Man:


I can't remember anything about myself, but my head is a noisy place. I huddled in a little ball on the floor. Why can't you leave me alone? Why can't you leave me alone?!

I want to laugh out loud even though I don't have a voice anymore. How have I become this pathetic? All I can do now is stay hiding in my version of Plato's cave. I wait until the nightmares have passed. They leave me only to return stronger than ever.

I pressed my hands to my ears. Their voices scare me still. Why did they have to contact me now? Why couldn't they leave me alone after all of this time? I don't want to experience this again. It's already taken so much out of me. I just want to hide in cave until I finally die at last.

I can't tell Evie why I suffer like this. She probably wouldn't believe me. However, I think she too is starting to see that it's coming to swallow us up again. I don't know how to stop it. All I can do is wait for the destruction to take away everything. Yet, I don't want to die again.

However, I must keep living through this hell until it's ran its course.

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