GENTLE VIOLENCE !!a simple and minimalist cover!
you can't go wrong or do something wrong when it comes to making this cover, it is that simple. it's simple to switch it up or make it color or b&w or a mix of both.
it's versatile and takes five or less minutes to make, which are the best kind of covers!
font: amelia basictip: you do not have to make the images black and white they would look just as good in color or one b&w and one color. you also don't have to make the font yellow and could make it white or change the background to white and make the font black or any other color, there are so many ways this cover could go and you could add or talk out a font of phrase or add other parts of one cover to this one. it's simple and versatile!
& the only rule here is if you take inspiration or use this theme of this cover please give me credit and or @ me so i can see your beautiful creations!!
electric, graphic help.
Randoma place to find cover themes and templates as well as filters and other resources for all of your aesthetically pleasing wants and needs! please respect these themes and resources that i am giving you. please read the rules and give credit where it...