4 | breakfast

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The next morning, I wake up to Lily hovering over me.

Not in that way, get your mind out of the gutter.

To her nudging me awake and offering me some Advil, which I gladly accept. I really can't remember much from the night before other than her room looks very different. I feel an immense headache as I sit up in her bed. I down the pills with some water and think about how I should've been drinking water last night rather than a second bottle of wine with her. Such a bad influence.

Me, not her.

"I'm sorry I kept you here all night and that you're probably slightly hung over like me." She chuckles. She's so cute.

Why am I thinking that? Why can I hear these thoughts? Am I going crazy? Maybe.

"No, it's fine" I let out a breath, coming back to reality. "I should probably go though, right?"

"Well-" She pauses in thought. "You could stay for breakfast, if you want." She shrugs at the offer, mulling it over further in her head.

"I mean, I guess I could." I try not to smile at her offer as if I'm not ecstatic. "Breakfast might help my headache." I comically rub my head and she laughs.

"Maybe," She chuckles, leaving my side on the bed.

I smile, grinning back to the beautiful bed-headed girl. I've never seen such beauty in little things like this. Her smile, her eyes, how they shine in the morning light.

Again, Ashton, snap the fuck out of it. I blink my way back to reality and catch the tail end of what she was saying to me.

"...I'm not sure if you like that or not, but I have all the ingredients here."

"That sounds great" I smile, not knowing anything of what she just said to me. I could be agreeing myself into eating chopped liver and dog food, but I just agreed. I don't want to have to explain to her why I wasn't paying attention. Or how I was sitting there, in awe with how amazing she looks right now. No. I'll just have to wait see what she was talking about.

We end up eating pancakes and bacon with a glass of orange juice.

Classic. I'm sure glad it wasn't chopped liver and dog food.

I happily devour it all while making light conversation. This is why I love being around her. I barely know her but I love being around her. She's so easy to talk to. We just ramble on and on about our shared music taste, among other things, and it's honestly so great. I still manage to admire her eyes and her smile while we talk. She's so indescribably beautiful.

I spend my morning humming a familiar tune and admiring this beauty of hers until I have to inevitably leave her. Leaving her apartment was interesting. I received so many disapproving looks from her neighbors—well our neighbors. Have I mentioned I live down the hall from her? No? Well I do. And it takes everything in me to not walk down the hall at 10:46 pm to see if she wanted to spend more time with me, because that's all I want to do with her. Spend as much time as I can with her because she makes me happy and I really can't explain it.


It was later that evening when I heard a knock on my door. Was it her? No. I open the door to see a tall blonde.

"Hey Ash." She smiles and walks towards me. Before I know it, our lips are together and I'm backed up against the wall of my entryway. This is ... interesting.

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