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𝓘𝓯 𝓲𝓽 𝓲𝓼𝓷'𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮
 𝔀𝓱𝔂 𝓭𝓸 𝓘 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓪𝔂.

DECEMBER 30TH, 2017 —  5:00PM


        How and the hell did I end up here? I thought I would wait for Trevante but I can't wait for him forever, he probably wouldn't wait follr me-

"MILAN!?" My ears perked up hearing my name being called. I instantly recognized the voice being my brother's girlfriend's sister, that I happen to strongly dislike.

"Yes Nova?" 

"You better get Santana before I do she just kicked Noah!" Nova yelled, I entered into the room and saw her holding Santana by her arm. "First of all let my daughter go, don't ever hold my daughter by her arm like that."
I shouted as I pushed her hand away from Santana's arm.

"Santana, why did you kick Noah?" I questioned, wiping the fresh tears away from her face. "Because, he took Vanna's toy and wouldn't give it back."

Santana always stands up for her sister and I, because she has that trait of being the protector like her father. I figured that out when one day her school called me because she had attacked a girl for taking Savanna's sandwich.

"Apologize to Noah." I said, she turned to him with a huff escaping her lips. "I'm sorry Noah, but next time just don't take my sissy's McStuffins."

I turned to Nova and she held a look of irritation. "You ever threaten to hit my child again and you'll be six feet under, got it?" I said with all seriousness in my voice and written on my face. She opened her mouth to respond but the sound of someone ringing the door bell interrupted her.

I took my eyes that were deeply burning a hole in her face mentally and reverted my attention to the door as I made my way there to open it. I opened the door and met my beautiful mocha skinned bestfriend.

"Girl, why aren't you ready?You called me hours ago because you wanted to go grocery shopping. YOU'RE STILL WEARING YOUR HOUSE DRESS." She yelled, my smile dropped into a frown.

"Nice to see you too Julia, and what's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I said looking down at my attire.

I was wearing a grey fitted dress that stopped above the knee and hugged my hips, and a written sentence on the front that read 'for better or worse.' in black,  paired with some black uggs.

"Whatever, come on!" She said walking away from the doorstep and to her car that was still running.

"SAVANNA! SANTANA PUT YOUR SHOES AND JACKETS ON! TIME TO GO!" I yelled from the door, I slid on my sweater and looked over at Nova who was sprawled out on my couch, watching TV.

"I'll be back, be gone when I return." I said to her, she responded with a eye roll and head nod. I waited for the girls to come downstairs before exiting my home and locking the door.

All three of us walked to Julia's Escalade. I helped the girls get into the car since they couldn't, then I got into the car.

"Hey Auntie JuJu." Savanna and Santana said in unison. "Hey princesses, I missed you guys." She said with a smile slowly appearing on her face as she kept her eyes on the road.

I wasn't very fond of her smile anymore, she rarely smiled unless she was talking to the twins. She hadn't smiled since her wife died, it caused heartache in both of us because she was both our bestfriend, but it hurt her more since she was her significant other.

Her smile dropped as we road to the store in a comfortable silence, the twins were talking but not loud as they entertained one another with their bratz dolls.

Soon we made it to our destination which was, Krogers. Julia parked but she stayed in the car to take a phone call, so me and the twins went in and started shopping.

"Mommy, can you get this for me and Tana?" I turned away from the shelves that held the cereals and looked down at Savanna, she held in her small hand a box of honey-buns. I nodded for her to put it in the basket and she did, I arched my eyebrow trying to decide on what cereal I wanted I turned around to ask the girls but they weren't there.

"Savanna! Santana!" I yelled, but got no answer. I started to panic because the girls knew to never leave my side. I left the basket and started to run around the store, looking for them.

I started to panic, I grabbed for my chest as my breathing started to pick up. I have very bad anxiety, and anything triggers it.

Tears started to cloud my vision, I looked under everything but no sight of them. I walked up to a middle-aged women who was talking to who I'm assuming was her husband.

"Hi- I'm so sorry to bother you, but have you seen two little girls? They stand up this tall, big hair, h-holding-"

"Mommy?" I heard coming from behind me.

"Oh my god! Santana! Savanna!
Don't ever do that again. You know not to wander off in public!" I yelled as I fell to my knees, pulling them into my arms.

"This tall and very big guy with a bushy beard helped us find you." Savanna said, I wasn't paying attention to who she was referring to nor did I care, I only cared that my girls were okay. "Thank you, sir" I said not looking up but looking at Savanna and Santana.

"It's no problem ma'am. It's important not to leave your mom's side in the store guys." The deep voice rung throughout my head, and I felt like my whole world had stopped.

My eyes reverted up and I stared at his features. He had grown a very bushy beard that matched his facial structure well, his eyes were still them same and so was his smile.

"Milan?" Trevante asked, his smile had dropped and his eyes stared closely at me.

I started panicking so I said the first words that came to mind.
"Sorry wrong person." I quickly grabbed both Savanna and Santana's hands before walking off.  I didn't turn back, I couldn't turn back.

We made it back to Julia's car and I saw that she wasn't in the car, she must've went inside the store to look for me. "Milan?" I turned around was met with Trevante.

"How do you know my mommy's name?" Santana said, stepping in front of both Savanna and I.

"Me and your mom are old friends." He said, looking down at Santana's small figure. "We never see you before, and mommy has no friends me and Vanna don't know about. So move along mister!"Santana yelled looking up at Trevante, she wasn't very intimidating well of course, she's six.

Savanna held on to my leg and wouldn't move, see there's a difference between Savanna and Santana. Savanna is more like me in ways, she's quiet and doesn't like to fight nor be involved in anything bad but her attitude is hell.

"Trevante!?!" Julia yelled walking up behind him.

"I know my eyes are definitely fucking with me." She said looking in between the both of us. I was stuck, I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing.

"You motherfucker."
Julia said turning to Trevante


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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