5: Clothing

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It had been a few months since Milo's family boarded the same chemical smelling airship as they had three years ago, and Chloe and Alex were quite enjoying it. The majority of stlrakl lived similarly to Japanese peasants, saving their more advanced technology for research and important medical procedures. Now they could access a computer whenever they wanted, and simply walk down the hall if they were hungry, instead of going into the forest to collect food every day.

Both of them were currently in their sleeping quarters, with Alex standing next to Chloe's bed, shouting playfully for her to wake up before she slept through Christmas.

She groaned and sat up, "It's not like anyone else here even knows what it is."

"They will in a minute, now come on, It will be fun."

"Well then get out, so I can get dressed."

After she had put on the same simple, white outfit she had worn every day since they left Earth, Chloe made her way towards Milo's cabin.

When she entered the room, Milo was kneeling in front of their desk, helping their daughter, Sonthsya attach a backpack around her waist and tentacles.

"Oh, hello Chloe," They said, peering up at her warmly, "Hold on a moment, we just need to fasten this first." they wet a sponge and patted it on one of the tentacle straps, making it shrink to fit. "There we are," they cooed in the Stlrakl language. "Now, why don't you go play for a few minutes while speak to Chloe, then we'll go find Kazutlru and Tsunclrek." Sonthsya hopped away to a small toy basket in the corner. Milo stood up and smiled warmly, indicating it was Chloe's turn to speak.

"Remember when I told you about Christmas?" She asked in Stlrakl.

"Yes!" Sonthsya yelled, jumping in the air.

Chloe reached into a bag and handed her a colorfully wrapped parcel, which upon opening revealed a brown stuffed bear. "It's called a teddy bear, pretty much all humans had one of these as a kid." She squealed a quick thank you, and ran off to play with it.

Milo was handed a similar package, which they opened slowly, unsure the proper etiquette involved. Inside was a top that had been dyed yellow, and had two pieces of a cotton like fabric sewn onto the back. "I thought since we'll be landing on Earth soon, you should have something to fit our style."

"Thank you Chloe, It's lovely."

"By the way, do you know when Kazutlru and Tsunclrek will be back? I have something for them too."

"Yes, they're in the cafeteria, we were just about to make our way down there ourselves."

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