2: Disguise

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Alex started visiting daily, even though the paperwork was finished in the span of an afternoon, they had other, much bigger matters to concern themselves with, specifically, how to blend in with humans.

Chloe went out and bought corduroy pants, a pink hat and matching mittens, a white, child sized parka, and simple snow boots. It was decided that Milo's upper arms would be in the coat's arm holes, while the lower ones would be at their side, concealed by the clothing.

She then altered the pants to fit Milo's back, which, unlike a human's was extremely thin, to the point where they repeatedly had to reassure their human friends, that no, they were not malnourished. With all the clothing on, and the hood up over their head, they almost looked like a small girl.

They then developed a plan. Milo and Chloe enter the building with the clothing, to avoid unwanted attention, and take all the clothing off in the bathroom. Alex would wait outside with one other person, who would be explained everything before the meeting started.

During breakfast the morning of the plan, Milo skidded a small, triangular object across the table, where Chloe was eating. On closer examination, she noticed it was made of a material too durable to be plastic, but the wrong texture to be metal. In the center, was a clear, green circle made of some sort of film. She turned to Milo, who had completely abandoned their own breakfast of toast and fruit.

"If any sort of danger entails, breaking the clear section of that object will call an emergency ship."

"Why would we need that?"

"I am still learning about your species, Chloe, the psychology of your species has proven extremely difficult for us to study, and therefore what might entall is far beyond my knowledge."

She gave them a confused look, but they had already continued eating, obviously deep in thought. So she sighed, let it go, dropping the button into her purse.

The car ride was an exciting one. seeing as Milo had probably never been in a public Earth setting before, they obviously had a book's worth of questions about traffic signs and lights, as well as the various stores and buildings that passed by.

Everything seemed to be going perfectly until the two of them went into the bathroom to change, which, though a minor road block, would cause difficulties. The lady's room was already filled with what looked like six women and girls.

Chloe kneeled down to Milo as if they were an actual small girl, "How about we go into the handicapped bathroom together?" they nodded back thankfully.

Going into the stall together had turned out to be quite a good idea, as Chloe could easily help them with the more difficult pieces of clothing to remove, such as zippers and shoe laces. She also found a simple way to get them out of the bathroom without arousing suspicion too, by waiting until the only people there were in stalls, and carrying them out so no one would see their toeless feet.

By the time the two of them made their way back to the waiting area, Alex had started stalling to the lady who would be organizing the meeting. A middle aged, disagreeable looking woman shifting through various papers, who seemed annoyed at Alex's quickly spoken, jargon filled sentences. Upon seeing Milo, she shrieked, as if they were a mouse skittering across the floor.

"You brought one of them in here?!" she spat at Alex.

"I know what it looks like, but I've been to see them a lot over the past few weeks, and from all I've seen, they seem completely harmless."

The two of them continued bickering, as Milo looked up to Chloe questioningly, receiving a shrug in return. After a minute of this, she sighed and rose her voice.

"Could someone please just explain what this is about?"

The lady paused just long enough to say "haven't you seen the news?" and then turned back to Alex.

The two bystanders both stood in awkward silence until everyone present flew their head back at the sound of a gun being fired. A short distance from where they stood, a security guard was pointing at Milo and aiming his gun again.

Alex grabbed Chloe's arm as she shoved them behind her.

"Get them out."

She started to run out the door, a twinge of fear filling her, at some point, realizing Milo was running much slower. Her head shot around, almost by itself. They were barely even walking at this point, looking as if they would collapse any moment, a purple liquid dripping from their body. Suddenly she remembered the little triangle she was given, came up with a quick plan, and acted on it. She grabbed Milo in her arms, the violet blood staining her clothing, fished the button out of her purse, jabbed her finger through it, and hid behind a random staircase outside the building.

They were probably like that for two or three minutes, huddled up against the stone railing, telling Milo repeatedly to just breathe and relax, until a strange fanlike noise came from the street. She peeked her head out from their little hiding place where a helicopter like airship was landing in the streets, much to the shock of the people running by. Chloe took the opportunity to dash past everyone as the ship lowered, and two pairs of hands helped her inside.

"How are they doing?" Alex asked, as Chloe steadied herself after crashing into him.

"When did you get here?"

"They shoved me inside after I told them what happened."

A small stlrakl, with shorter tentacles than Milo had, walked up to them, "May I?" They beckoned, holding their arms out.

"Of course." Chloe gently handed them to the being, who laid them down on a fabric covered piece of foam like material, then took a kit out of one of the many cavities in the walls and started dressing the wounds.

"So..." things were starting to get awkward, "Have you ever been to Earth before?" They shook their head. "Well," Alex held out his hand "Welcome to our home planet, we come in peace."

The stlrakl responded by staring at his hand and explaining in extremely detailed broken English how they already suspected they were a non-hostile species due to the years of research they had done on human culture.

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