3: Change

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Neither of them grasped just where they were until the door slid open to reveal a tubular hallway leading to a large room containing several doors. A few Stlrakl ran into the ship and helped the paramedic detach the cot from the wall, another murmured a few words to Milo as the other figures chattered in an alien language. They soon ran down the hall with the now mobile bed, leaving the being who had been comforting them behind.

"Would you like some clean clothing?" They asked sadly, with a slight Indian accent along with the same lisp all the stlrakl seemed to have.

The two humans turned to them. "Do you have any that would fit us?" Chloe asked.

"I think so," they said, "They seem to fit the glunsuk, and neither of you are even close to the height they are."

They led them down a long hallway to large set of drawers that spanned the entire wall, all while Chloe and Alex told the story on how they met Milo.

Afterwards, Alex started to ask the obvious. "Speaking of which, how do you know Milo?"

"My name is Kazutlru, I'm his or her wife." they said calmly.

"Really?" It had never occurred to either of them Milo had a spouse, at least not one that would have come with them on the trip to Earth. "Do you two have any kids?"

"A daughter named Sonthsya, and we also have a husband, but he's very shy."

They entered what must have been a large public bathroom with a large bookcase spanning almost an entire wall, each shelf containing a pile of white clothing.

Kazutlru searched through it, holding various sleeveless tops and baggy pairs of pants to their body, until eventually handing a pair to the both of them, and a top to Chloe. She hid behind a wall, separating the cleaning area from the rest of the room, and tried every way she could think of to put the dreadful thing on, before Kazutlru tossed her a sponge like piece of fabric that had been soaked in water.

"Rub this on the seams."

She obliged, squeezing it lightly on the seams. To her surprise, the fabric tightened around her body, like those sponges that expand in water, only in reverse. She peeked around the wall, where Alex posed from across the room.

"So what do you think, trendy?"

She held back a snort, he looked more like Tarzan after he discovered bleach than anything else.

A being Chloe recognized from the group that had examined Milo entered the room, and started whispering to Kazutlru in the same language they heard while entering the ship. After making a reassuring sigh of relief, she marched over to her, trying to remain a serious demeanor.

"I'm sorry, you really should leave, our medic says we shouldn't have humans in our spacecraft yet, especially since you haven't been sanitized."

"Can we at least see Milo?" Chloe asked.

She frowned, "Access can be difficult in that area, I doubt you'd be allowed in."

"Come on, we should listen to them." Alex warned, and Chloe hesitantly agreed to be driven back to the planet's surface. Toilets threw up, she fixed them, life went on.


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