11: Family

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Kai forty two's egg hatched on the fourteenth of March, at ten twenty three A.M in his parents' bedroom. It cracked slowly in Kazutlru's lap, gradually revealing a little six limbed child being rocked in her arms. As his crying quieted, she handed him softly to Milo, who smiled lovingly at the tiny creature, who returned the gesture by giving his parent a confused stare.

Sonthsya sat next to them, unusually quiet. "Was I that little?"

Milo put their functioning bottom arm around her, "You were a bit bigger."

"Can I hold him?"

Kazutlru nodded, "Be careful though."

Her eyes widened as she felt the warm figure in her arms, "He looks like Tsunclrek," she whispered, as if afraid of speaking any louder. It was true, his face was a similar shape, with the same rounded ear flaps, in fact, he looked almost exactly like Tsunclrek did as a baby except for the slanted eyes, which were a feature given by Milo.

Kazutlru picked him back up. "My, you're right." Then it was as if the joy soured out of the room as the realization hit everyone that Kai would never meet his father, and none of them would ever see him again. To everyone's surprise, it was Milo who was able to pick up the mood, "Perhaps Kai is his reincarnation," but as they later said in his eulogy: "Reincarnation is both a great comfort, and a great sorrow, for it lets you savor this beautiful universe forever, but does not let you carry the memories with you."

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