The Bloodline Members.

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(These next pages will contain spoilers so do not read past the characters you know about if you do not want to be spoiled. Also will contain spoilers to chapters not yet added.)

  Even though Samantha wasn't the first member of the Heroic bloodline she's often considered the progenitor of the bloodline

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Even though Samantha wasn't the first member of the Heroic bloodline she's often considered the progenitor of the bloodline. Due to the Nede slaves not really keeping track of who is in their family other than those they know. The Ayleids did keep records but most of it is unreadable.

The bloodline has had many names. At one point it was called the FreeStar/Sadus bloodline. Centuries later the Irvine bloodline and currently the Heartlily bloodline.

Every known family member connected by blood. (Spouses, adopted children, and half siblings not counted.)

Samantha D. FreeStar/Sadus: The Vestige and one of the few Nede still left in the second era. Was originally from the first era but was sacrificed to Molag Bol then escaped in the second era.

Rostov Sadus: One of Sam's children and twin brother to Roderick. Was a member of the Psijic Order. Fought Mehrunes Dagon's forces in Blackwood. Bard in his spare time. Also a powerful mage.

Roderick Sadus: One of Sam's children and the twin to Rostov. Was a history teacher as well as the Scarlet Judge of Suran after his mother died. Assisted Sotha Sil in his Clockwork City.

Luenet Sadus: Formerly a priestess of Dibella. Was a Seeress. Also a member of the Dark Brotherhood.

Freydis Heartfrost: A Roscrean warrior that escaped sex slavery in Cyrodiil and fled to Solstheim and joined Thirsk Mead Hall. Mother of Yiffre and Ragnar and grandmother of Hymir and Illent. She was the descendant of Roderick Sadus.

Ragnar Irvine: Father of Hymir. Hircine cultist. Used Hymir as a beacon for Hircine forcing him to be a weapon for the cult. Older brother of Yiffre.

Yiffre Irvine: The Skaal shaman of the late third era and early fourth era. Was the father to Illent and Uncle to Hymir.

Hymir Irvine: Cousin of Illent and was the werefox/werewolf/werebear/wereboar Champion of Hircine but later rebelled against him. Became the Fighter's Guild master in Cyrodiil after Illent left Nirn permanently.

Illent Irvine: The Hero of Kvatch or Champion of Cyrodiil. Was the Silencer for Lucien Lachance and later the Listener. Became the new Sheogorath. Was also the Arena Grand Champion and master of the Fighter's Guild. A founding member of the Knights of the White Stallion. Honorary member of the Knights of the Thorn. Member of the Blades.

Garnet Irvine/Heartlily/Lachance: The Demi-Prince son of Illent Irvine and Lucien Lachance. Is the Golden Eyed Nightmare to the Roscreans. Also inadvertently responsible for the fall of the Dark Brotherhood in Cyrodiil. Also the Forgotten Hero.

Saige Heartlily/Harda: Daughter of Garnet and Merriam Heartlily. Mother of Sabriel and grandmother of William.
Older sister of Cyndis. A powerful blood and water mage. Also the Duchess of Dementia.

Cyndis Heartlily: Son of Garnet and Merriam Heartlily. Father of Yoric, Kristoph, and Christabella. Grandfather of Bellona, Julie, and Ceraelius. Uncle of Sabriel.
He was at one point a Knight that fought for the island of Esrionet.
Was the mine and ship owner before Yoric. (Kynesgrove was one of the mines he owned. The inn there used to be his house.)

Yoric Heartlily: Owner of several mines in Skyrim and Cyrodiil as well as a shipowner. Became popular from his wealth and status. The oldest of his three siblings.

Kristoph Heartlily: A simple baker and husband of a Bosmer woman who was a renowned legionnaire turned mercenary titled Lionent the Bloody. The second child.

Sabriel Harda: Mother of William Harda grandmother of Clayse Harda. Cousin of Christabella, Yoric, and Kristoph.
Was a runaway and a prostitute. Was a highwaywoman for awhile.

Christabella Heartlily: The Thane of Falkreath Hold and master of the Thieves Guild. Sister to Yoric and Kristoph Heartlily. Mother of Julie. Also Thane of Solitude. Proudspire Orphanage founder and owner. The third child.

Ceraelius Heartlily: The cousin to Bellona Heartlily and Julie Heartlily. The son of Yoric. Was responsible for the rift that was created in the Heartlily household.

Bellona Heartlily: The Dragonborn as well as Archmage of the College of Winterhold. Eventually became Empress after the Elder Council talked her into it. Wife to the late Harbinger Vilkas. Member of the College of Whispers. Member of the Blades. Member of the Companions. Mother of Reiss and Karmir Heartlily.

William Harda: Nephew to both Yoric, Christabella, and Kristoph Heartlily. "Cousin" to Bellona, Julie, and Ceraelius. Father of Clayse Harda.
Was a Blade that fought in the Great War and later fought a Lich King who threatened to kill everyone in his town.

Clayse Harda: Son of William Harda. Not much else is known about him other than he's a guard for Aarondale.

Julie Heartlily: Daughter of Christabella. She is an adventurer and became thane after her mother died. Archeologist as well. Discovered the first Ayleid ruin in Skyrim.

Karmir Heartlily: The eldest son of Bellona and was the Emperor after she died. Later was thrown off the throne by his younger half brother Riess after the revolution. Changed his name to Hymir Erickson. Joined the Hunter's Guild and the Blades. Helped re-establish the Snow Elves in Tamriel.

Reiss Heartlily: Is the current Emperor of Tamriel. Led a revolution against his brother and faced off against a monster that Karmir could not do.

  Ketill Heartlily: Eldest son of Reiss Heartlily and Geneva Rock-Hand. Became the Emperor after Reiss vanished on Solstheim. Was imprisoned by his sister Cheryl but was later freed by his other two sisters.

  Cheryl Heartlily: "Oldest" triplet daughter of Reiss and Geneva. Younger sister to Ketill. Was the Empress temporally after she imprisoned her brother and made it look like he died.

  Primrose Heartlily: "Middle" triplet daughter of Reiss and Geneva. She ran away from the Imperial City because she didn't want to be a royal anymore. That and she was in an arranged marriage made by her brother.

  Agatha Heartlily: "Youngest" triplet of Reiss and Geneva. She is born deaf and is incredibly shy around strangers. Was almost killed by Cheryl but she managed to run away and get to Primrose who saved her.

(This collection is a way for both me and readers to keep in touch with all of the characters and their relevance.)

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