The Connection.

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So I know what you're asking. How do they know they're related?

  Well, it goes back to Luenet Sadus. By the time she was in her late teens, she learned how to hone her skills. The Keepers of the Oracle helped her with this process just as they've helped other Seers and Seeresses throughout time.

  Once that was sorted whenever she had an episode and saw the future. (Either in dreams or in a seizure-like state that caused her eyes to glow) she would record what she saw. Or her devotees would record what they heard.

  The keepers then would store away this information in books that had special incantations cast on them. A preservation spell taught to them by Luenet's mother Samantha.

  There is a noticeable eight hundred years gap between ESO and Oblivion. That's because the bloodline lost the information that they're related to the Vestige. This information wasn't recovered until around Ragnar's time. He found the journal of a distant relative in the attic of his home. That's when the information was recovered.

  Ever since then the bloodline has been basically telling the world who they're related to and by the time Illent is around it's expected of her to "be a Hero."

  In Bellona's time, it's just as bad. People go: "Oh you're a Heartlily? I bet you're special." Or they wish her to solve people's problems that they can easily do themselves.

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