34 1 0

Tyhloshion: So,you may be thinking that we are doing truths and dares, but today, we will be exploring the internet!

Rattata: No... that place is full of things I don't even want to get into.

Typhloshion: Don't worry! Kadabra whipped us up some good ol' brain bleach! Right, Kadabra?

Kadabra: Mm. *Nods head*

Typhloshion: Let's see... Since we've only been doing anime and manga related things on the internet... Let's explore! 

Typhloshion: I sound like Dora the explorer...

Glaceon: Are you sure that this is a good idea? Don't you know how dangerous it is?

Ampharos: A little exploring would be ok. After all, knowledge is power correct?

Glaceon: I guess you're right there...

Typhloshion: Now let's check out this 'Facebook' everyone is talking about...

Scolipede: U-um, I have facebook because back in the forest, I uh, kinda got one for my friends and everything...

Typhloshion: That makes things easier! Log in for us so we don't have to sign up.

Scolipede: O-ok...


Typhloshion: Must... play...on... in... Rare Candy Crush...

Glaceon: No! You'll be wasting precious pokedollars!

Typhloshion: SO?! I was so close to beating the level and this is the last life I have until I wait for more... 

Noivern: At least it's not MooMooFarmville...

Glaceon: I guess...

Ampharos: Remember there is more to learn than just this!

Typhloshion: You're right! I guess I should just look at something else then!

Eevee: YAY!

Banette: That was too fast of a reaction!! -_ -|||

Typhloshion: Hey, what are internet rules? 

Banette: Search it up...

Typhloshion: Ok..

Typhloshion: Internet rules... *clicks on images*

Typhloshion: Let's see... rule 1... 'don't talk about rules 2-33'

Glaceon: That's just stupid!

Typhloshion: Rule 34 'there's porn in it, no exceptions'

Typhloshion: What's porn? *searches it up*

Typhloshion: Bleach. Now.

Eevee: What did you see?

Typhloshion: You wanna know what scarred me? You don't wanna know what scarred me.

Noivern: Le' me see! *Pushes Typhloshion away from laptop*


Glaceon: What?

Glaceon: *Peeks* Oh gosh! BLEACH!!!!

Typhloshion: Delete the tab! Delete the tab!

Noivern: *Deletes* 

Kadabra: Bleach here.

Everyone: *Drinks a little*

Typhloshion: Ok... now that I forgot what I just saw... let's continue with the rest of the rules...

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