Chapter 8

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My grandma and Miranda were still talking. Sometimes I feel bad for my friends, my grandma always starts talking to them and then she won't stop! Anyway, I sat there still scrolling down their Instagram account. He has blonde hair. Swooped to the side, kinda like Bieber but a little longer.

The person who wanted to follow me was the guy who was looking at me in history this morning. The guy who was being awkward. The same guy who quickly looked away when I saw him staring at me. His name was Hunter.

I wondered how he got my account. From someone probably but who? So many questions ran through my head as if it was a marathon. What if he likes me?

My grandma left the room and I showed Miranda who it was and told her that they wanted to follow me. I told her how he was staring at me in history and everything.

"Well accept the request. He probably wants to be friends. Maybe get to know you better." Miranda said as if it wasn't a big deal.

(Miranda's pov)

After I finished talking to Neveah's grandma, Miranda raced over to show me something. It was an Instagram account of a kid named Hunter and he wanted to follow her. Big deal. Miranda can get really crazy sometimes. Especially when she thinks someone likes her. I'm assuming that she believes he does but honestly, he probably just wants to be friends.

(Neveah's pov)

I accepted it. But then that gave me an idea... what if Carter has an Instagram? Probably. But then again, if I ask to follow him, he'll think I'm definitely stalking him. I'll wait to get to know him better.

Miranda and I hung out for a little while longer until she had to leave. After that, I went downstairs and my grandpa was reading the news.

"Hey." I said as I opened the fridge.

"Hey! Where have you been all afternoon? You ditched me! I'm just joking, but what's up? anything happen today at school you wanna talk about?" my grandpa asked as he pulled out a chair for me.

I knew that I could tell my grandpa anything, but boys... kinda awkward.

"Nah, I'm just tired. And I'm not really used to high school yet. I know it's only been the first day but still, it's different."

"I understand you. Well I'm here if you have any questions or concerns." my grandpa said.

"Thanks." I said as I went back up stairs.

I checked my phone and I had 5 text notifications. Three were from Kailee and the other text was from a number that I didn't know.

{texts from unknown number}

Person- hey.

I decided to just start talking to this person. What do I have to lose.

Me- hi who's this

Person- guess

Me- stfu and tell me

Person- ok ok it's hunter.

So predictable.

Me- how'd you get my number

Hunter- Kailee.

Duh. So I looked back at what Kailee texted me.

{texts with Kailee}

Kailee- heyy a kid named hunter wants your number

Kailee- hello? can I give it to him

Kailee- ok... I'm going to give it to him

Well. That explained a lot. So I started to text Hunter again.

Hunter- so are you cool with me textin you or..

Me- yea I guess.

Hunter- well actually I gtg. Bye

Me- k bye

Well it was a short conversation. I decided to get some sleep. I got ready for bed and then totally crashed. I was exhausted.


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