Ch. Five: The ambush and the rescue

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Osomatsu's POV

I couldn't feel anything. One of Iku's friends was kicking Karamatsu and me to death, but I just lay on the cold floor. I was bruised everywhere and covered in my own blood. Karamatsu has been stuck in the same state as me. This man was annoyed by not hearing us scream, and that was the way we wanted it. "Tch! This isn't fun," he threw the knife at the bloody table and left the room.

I was in so much pain. My body ached and my blood was leaving me by the second. Karamatsu forced himself up and sat down against the cold wall. I got up as well and leaned against the wall right next to Karamatsu. I groaned from the pain, trying to move to a spot that won't make me uncomfortable, but it hurt to even move. I looked at Karamatsu, seeing him slowly close his eyes. I stayed where I was and closed my eyes also.


I jolted up awake and heard the sound of screams for mercy and help. Karamatsu looked at me, thinking that it could be wolves or something. I was going to say something, but the cellar door slammed open, and was dragged to our chairs. I glared at Iku and his friends. They smirked back at us and the next thing we knew, we were knocked out.

Ayaka's POV
Right when we geared up and fixed our posture, We ran to the entrance and had Hayami-chan break it down with ease. We ran in and threw the smoke that caused everyone unable to see us. I found one of the boys and kicked him to the ground and cut him with my twin katanas. I looked at the map of this place and headed straight, taking down every single human that was in my way.

I ran for what felt like hours, I injured so many people but didn't hesitate. I had injuries too, but not so bad to me. If someone were to see me, they might think I was attacked by a wild animal. My outfit was somehow covered in less blood but my own and a few others I took down. I searched every door, but just got attacked by some traps they put in the rooms. This isn't going to stop me though. I knew that if I back down right now, it's all over.

I kept on running and finally found the last door. I looked to my left and saw the other girls. I smiled at them as they smile back. "Ready?" I asked the girls. They did nothing but nod their heads and get into position. I was in the middle with Totoko-chan and we both nodded at each other. I shook my arms a little bit and kicked down the door. Right in front of me was Iku and the rest of his friends. "Heh! So my wife came after all," I felt disgusted just by hearing that word. I grabbed my bloody kunai and threw one at Iku, only grazing his cheek and hitting the wall. I smiled and stood up straight, looking right at him. "I have my answer..." he looked at me and smirked. "Then come to me, my bri-" "My answer is no," I cut him off. His smirk turned and became a shocked expression. "What!?" Iku shouted, getting up from his office chair and getting ready to do something. I smiled and repeated to him, "My answer is no,". We planned ahead and knew that this was going to happen. I bent my knees and lunged at them. The girls took my signal and lunged at them too.

I swung my sword at each and every one of them and kicked them to the ground. I got some more cuts and bruises, but I will not back down and retreat. I looked at Iku and grabbed his collar. "Now. Where are they?" I asked while I try to not sound as crazy and scary as much as I could. He said nothing but just stare. "Douko!?" I shouted at him. He smirked and pointed at the door I hadn't noticed. "Go down that hall and you'll find them about to be my sisters' new toys to play with," he answered me devilishly, and with that said, I threw him then walked to the door, swinging it open and breaking it off of its hinges.

I walked down the hall with my friends. I said nothing as they talked quietly and looked at the front, sides, and back.

We reached a door and I kicked it open. I put my twin katanas in their sheaths and saw something unforgivable. Two girls stood right in front of me, about to strip off my shirtless Niisans' pants, unconscious. Totoko-chan handed me some black workout gloves and put them on. I walked over, pulled the girls out of my Niisans' who are beginning to awaken and punched the two who were going to rape Niisans like their toys. I took out a kunai and cut off their ropes and broke their chains. I looked for their shirts and put them on them. I checked their pants and saw them back on correctly. I couldn't say anything. They're in front of me and I can't say a single word.

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