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2 years ago......
My brother and I lived with my dad Bill and my stepmom Kate. I had grown up with my stepmom but my father made sure to make it known that she was not my real mom but I could tell I looked nothing like her. My dad is a human where my stepmom and mother were both mutants. My half brother Garrison was a Mutant just like me. My name is Rose Sanders and this is how we found the mutant underground.
One day my brother and I were leaving school since it was time to go home. What was weird is that when we were just about to leave sentinel services came up to us and said they wanted to ask a few question. We were both very confused since we learned how to control our powers and not make it known since my stepmom trained us to get stronger and control our gifts. She always made it known to us that our powers were never a curse but a gift to us to protect ourselves from the government being scared of the unknown. So we said we didn't know there were any mutants in this school and walked away quickly to get home faster.
While we were walking I could see in the agents mind that they were following us so I told my brother and we ran away and took them the wrong direction of our house because the world doesn't know that our dad remarried and my stepmom is in hiding. So we took a shortcut through the woods and started running faster we heard the sirens behind us. They were getting closer so I warped their minds into thinking that we went the other way. I looked to my brother and said what are we going to do , garrison says we have to run away far from this town and never look back once we are safe we will communicate with dad to let him know we are safe. So that's what we did and we found a car that we broke into and drive for miles until we stopped in atlanta.
They had found us again and we didn't know what to do so we decided to make a run for it into a abandoned factory and hide to make sure they won't find us. While we were hiding we heard something and two men and a women came out from the dark. They told us that their names were John, Marcos, and Lorna and they didn't mean no harm they told us that they were mutants just like us and that they run the mutant underground. Turns out they were looking for us this whole time to keep us safe from the sentinel services and other mutants that want to get there hand on me. Which I was confused because what did I do wrong that other mutants would want me.

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