Chapter 1

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Present Day

I was waiting to see if John could find the refugee we were looking for seeing as she escaped from a mutant prison. This is what we do for mutants who have no where else to escape.

Have you found her yet Marcos asked and John responded that it was a little foggy. Lorna said I think John just likes keeping us out here in the cold. I wish I said I want to be with sage looking to see how many more mutants are out there.

Lorna looks at me and says oh, rose your always looking to help someone your so selfless but we have almost reached capacity at the underground. I groaned and said I know but it's harsh when you don't know where you can go when almost everyone is against your kind.

John interrupts us and said I found her she's over there in that building but we gotta hurry.
We get into the building and find a woman behind a desk. She starts throwing things at Marcos. She looks scared and said are you guys cops and Marcos shook his head and said no we just wanna help you. Who are you guys then Lorna shows her powers and said just a couple of freaks just like you.

Marcos introduces us to her this is Lorna and Rose my name is Marcos. While we were talking to her John calls us Guys! and he takes a look at the girl for a minute and then back to us and say there's trouble.

So Marcos looks back at her and says get dressed, you're with us now.

We go back to the front to see what John was talking about. Marcos asks what is it.

John answers cops coming fast this way. He tells Lorna and I to kill the lights which we do.

Lorna asks how many and he answers at least ten from the west and south. I hear them coming fast and hear them arrive.

The police gets out of the cars and says this is the police we know the fugitive is in there come out now, or we will open fire.

When Lorna hears that she moves from the side to in front of the window with her hands up . I ask her Lorna what are you doing, she doesn't answer me

Then the police say one suspect at the window. Lorna uses her powers to explode all the lights on top of the police cars and then goes back to hiding.

After that gunshots start coming at us so John covers my head and we kneel down.

Marcos yells Lorna and she reassured him that she's fine and says find us a way out.
John takes my hand so I can follow him to where we can escape.

John finds the exit and takes my arms and the girl and takes us to the car with Marcos and Lorna behind us.

Lorna yells Marcos!

John and I get out of the car and we go to Marcos while Lorna is beating up the cop.

Marcos and I yell Lorna!

Lorna don't do it they are not worth it I yell to her over the rain but she doesn't listen.

More police come and tases her, I go to help her but John takes my arm. No John let me go I can help her we can't just leave her there I tell john. He looks at me and say we won't be any of help and we drive off.

We get back to the mutant underground headquarters once we park I get out of the car as fast as I can and go inside to see my brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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