Ch. 1

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As I walk the streets of London, I start to regain memories from my childhood when my father would take me and my brother here to tour.

I always loved the unique buildings. It made me feel so small.

Not much has changed.

Here I am, 19 years old, walking the same streets again, but this time it's with my best friend, Adriena.

Every since we were children, Adriena and I have always talked about traveling the world.

Neither of us ever thought it was possible, but with the money my father left me, we had more than enough.

Once we packed our bags, we flew out of Italy to the Americas. We stayed for about a year. It was quite nice, but the people were rather different....

Then we went to England, which was a big deal for me. I loved seeing London again.

It's almost as if my father were with me...

"Come on! We're going to miss the bus!", my best friend calls.

"Ooh! Coming", I yell.

We run through the snow to hop onto a bus that would, hopefully, lead us to our building that we recently got a room in.

I loved London so much, I thought it would be a wonderful idea to live there. Adriena thought I was crazy, but after a few days, she gave in.

The bus drove for blocks and blocks and the sun started to set.

"Alright ladies, this is it", the old bus driver said.

I gave Adriena a concerned look. "Okay. Um thank you", I quietly said.

She nods as we hop off the bus, unsure of where to go.

We watch as the bus drives off into the lights lit by the city.

I turn to Adriena, "Where is it?! We've been going around the city for hours! I can't believe this! It's like we're homeless!".

She tries to calm me down. "Hey! It's okay. We're not homeless, just...touring the city. Look let's ask someone for directions", she says, pulling out her cell phone.

"Okay, so it says that out building is on 21st street. Hmm, where's that?".

I groan as we walk to the center of the city that's still very much alive this late at night.

We walk try to walk around, hopefully finding a good tour guide, when I spot someone in front of me.

I tap his shoulder.

"Um, excuse me, sir?".

The tall man turns around, revealing his very attractive face.

He had crystal blue eyes and raven hair. His height was overwhelming compared to mine, being Italian and all...

"Yes?", his deep voice making me stutter.

"U-uh. Hi! Sorry to bother you, but uh, my friend and I need some help finding our flat", I squeak.

He smiles. "Ah, of course! You new here?".

I nod and smile.

His voice was melting me away.

"We're from Italy", I say.

He nods, "Oh, so that's the accent!".

I chuckle, "That's it!".

He smiles and I tell him our building address.

"Oh, okay, that's not too far I'll walk you girls there".

"Oh, you don't need to do that", Adriena says.

He chuckles, "Look, its fine. I'm sure you'd regret it if I left you guys alone here, anyway".

We all laugh.

"Thank you", we say.

He walks us to the direction of our flat.

We walk for a couple of blocks, through the now hard falling snow.

"So", he says, "Why did you leave Italy?".

I look at the ground, knowing my heart wrenching answer.

"Um", I quietly say, "I, uh....".

He looks at me, "You don't have to say anything".

"No, it's fine", I tell him.

He seems like someone I can trust, and I have a feeling that we'll be good friends.

I clear my throat.

"When I was a child, my father would always travel with me and my sibling to various countries, and when he took us here, I fell in love with it".

He nods his head, "Well that's a very good reason".

I chuckle, "Yes, but...thats not it".

I look at the ground, still feeling his bright blue eyes on me.

"My, uh, father had died years ago, and I just feel like if I do come here it would almost be like...".

I sigh.

"Like he is still with me. Through the streets and the buildings and the people. Almost like he never left...".

I look up at his eyes, seeing they are a little wet.

He half smiles, "Well, he'll always be with you. I know it's hard to lose someone you love, but you don't have to be sad forever and I don't want you to".

I blush and look at my feet.

"Thanks", I whisper.

We walk another corner and continue in the same direction.

"So", I say a little happier, "Tell me about you. Like, your name , for starters".

He smiles and brushes his hair out if his face with his fingers.

"Right! I forgot about that. It's Phil".

"Ah", I smile, "Such a nice name".

He chuckles and stops at a building.

"Well, this is it".

Adriena catches up to us and looks at the building.

"Is this it?", she asks, looking out of breath.

"Yep. It's rather nice, I think you'll like it", he says, smiling.

Adriena walks up to the door and pulls out the key, trying to unlock it.

"So", I turn back to Phil.


I see his breath in the cold air.

"Do you, uh, think we can maybe, see each other again sometime?".

I smile and look at my wet shoes in the snow.

"Yeah, I would hope so. You're about the only person I know here, besides Adriena".

He furrows his eyebrows, "The spunky one?".

I chuckle and nod my head.

"Yes, that's the one".

He smiles and walks me up the steps to the door that Adriena has already gone inside of.

"Hey, you haven't told me your name yet", he says.

"Right", I whisper placing my hand on the knob, "Luna".

He smiles.

"Well, here's my number, Luna", he says puting his hand out with a piece of paper.

I take it.

"Bye", I whisper.

He winks.

I Saw You First (A Dan Howell And Phil Lester Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now