Best Friend

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I set Jackie, our new puppy, on the floor. She tentatively sniffs a table and sits under it. "She loves it here," I say.

"She's sleeping in my room!" Zach yells.

"No she's not. She's sleeping in my room," I say quickly. Zach walks up to me. He puts his hands in my shoulders.

"Well, Y/N, I guess that means you're gonna have to share a room too," Zach says. I laugh.

"No. I strictly forbid it," Daniel says. He gets between us. Zach and I both roll our eyes. My phone buzzes and I take it out of my back pocket.

Bsf: Heyyyyyyy! Long time no talk I see.
Y/N: Sorry! I've been having so much fun
Bsf: okay well check your Instagram feed. Specifically look for my post
Y/N: I'm on it

I get into my Instagram and refresh my feed. A post from my best friend, Poppy, comes up. She's standing in front of the LAX sign. I scream and jump and down. "Oh my god! Poppy's coming! She's here!" I yell. I hadn't seen her in a while. We had gone to school together until she dropped out and decided to travel the world. We FaceTimed and called each other all the time.

Y/N: You're in LA! Why didn't you tell me?
Bsf: It would've ruined the surprise duh. I figured it was time for me to come back home.
Y/N: LA isn't home though.
Bsf: Home is where the heart is? Lol i don't know. Anyways, come pick me up now. I've been waiting for so long
Y/N: I'm on my way love ya

I squeal and run out of the house. As I'm running down the drive I realize that I didn't have a car. I turn around and run back inside. The boys stand dumbfounded. "Daniel. You know I love you. You're just the best big brother a girl could ask for. But, ya know big brothers lend their little sisters the keys to their cars right?" I ask, sweetly.

"Not happening," Daniel says. I put my hands together and start to beg.

"Please! Please I will take such good care of it! You don't have to worry about a thing! I just wanna pick Poppy up from the airport!" I say. I may as well have gotten on my knees.

Daniel sighs, "Fine. You can take my car but, one of the boys has to come with you. I would go but, I have plans to attend to."

"Yes! Thank you! Come on, Jonah!" I say as I turn around to leave. I grab Daniel's keys and Jonah follows close behind me. We get into his car and put on our seatbelts.

"You can drive right? Like properly? I don't have to be worried?" Jonah asks. He stares at me intensely. I laugh and smile at him.

"Of course I can drive. Whatever Daniel's told you, it's a complete lie," I say while pulling out of the drive. We fall into a comfortable silence. It makes me think about my time here. "Does Daniel seem different to you?" I ask Jonah.

He shakes his head, "No. not really."

"He's always been overprotective of me. But lately it seems to be over the top. He's always telling me no. Like no I can't sleep with one of you guys. Or no I can't use his car. Or no I can't wear that out. No I can't go to the studio with you guys. It's like if he could, he would just lock me in a room and leave me there. The other day, you boys weren't there but, I asked if I could go with you guys to the movies and he freaked out. Like went absolutely mental. He was like no you can't. You always wanna be with us. Blah blah blah," I say. Jonah listens quietly. He makes the occasional "mmm or yeah I guess".

"I think he's just nervous about having his little sister in his world. Daniel's been out here longer and he knows that LA can be dangerous. Especially for a girl that's as pretty and naive as you. If you talk to him, he'll realize it," Jonah says. I feel my cheeks turn pink.

"So you think I'm pretty?" I ask. Jonah laughs but his cheeks also turn pink.

"Is that the only thing you heard me say?" He asks.

"Of course not. You also said I'm naive. I disagree with that," I say laughing.

"Y/N, you are totally naive. I bet you haven't even realized that all of the guys are crushing on you," Jonah says, "That's probably another reason why Daniel is so pushy these days."  I try not to swerve the car when I hear Jonah say this. The boys liked me?

"How do you know they like me?" I ask. I was genuinely curious.

"They're my brothers. Of course they would tell me. Zach thinks you're hot, Corbyn thinks you're smart, and Jack thinks you're funny. They obviously all like you're personality. It drives Daniel insane," Jonah explains.

I stop the car at LAX. We're waiting in the pickup zone. I see a flash of pink hair and I can't contain myself from screaming. "Poppy!" I yell as she gets into the car. She also yells. "Y/N! Oh my god it's been so long! Like way too long!" She says. We talk excitedly and I realize that Jonah sits quietly in the front seat. "Oh Poppy. I've been so rude. This is my friend Jonah. He's in the band with Dani," I say.

"Nice to meet you," Jonah says, sticking his hand out. Poppy takes it and shakes it.

"Poppy. Single. Just moved here," She says. I turn around in my seat quickly.

Jonah quickly grabs the wheel, "Hey! Eyes on the road!"

"You're going to live here?!" I ask her. This news made me even happier than I was. I turn around again and grab the wheel from Jonah. I drive carefully home. "Did I pass the test?" I jokingly ask Jonah.

"No. That was the most terrifying car ride I've ever been on. Next time I drive," He says. He can't help but grin. Poppy looks from me to Jonah and smiles.

"You guys like each other!" She says excitedly. Jonah and I both laugh.

"We're friends," I say. Jonah agreed but we look at each other.

"Well, I wanna go inside. Hope you guys don't mind me staying for a little. I want to see Daniel and hang with my girlfriend," Poppy says. She slides out of the car and runs to the front door. Jonah and I both get out of the car and walk up to the door, hanging slightly open, from Poppy.

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