Help Me

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Zach and I get off of the Ferris wheel. We hadn't said anything since we kissed. We were both a bit embarrassed I think. After all, I am his best friend's little sister. How would Daniel react if he knew what happened?

"Ready to head home?" He asks.

I nod, "Yeah. I drive?"

"Nice try. I'll drive. Besides you're probably tired, so you can nap if you want," Zach says. We make it to our car and I climb into the passenger seat. I click my seatbelt on and plug my phone into the aux.

"Any requests?" I ask Zach, as he slides into place, behind the steering wheel. He shakes his head and turns the ignition on. I play one of my playlists in the Apple Music app. Friends by Why Don't We starts playing over the speakers.

"So, you're a Why Don't We fan? I mean, they are pretty good so, I don't blame you," Zach says.

"They're okay. That one Zach kid though. He's not that good. At least I don't think he is," I say. I look over to see Zach roll his eyes, scoffing. I cover my smile with my hand, "He's not my favorite. He's a little arrogant."

"That's funny. I seem to recall a kiss, more like a make out, between you and this Zach guy. He's probably really good looking. You probably just can't seem to get enough of him," he snickers and turns the volume up a little, singing along to his part. I shove his arm lightly and turn away from him. I put the seat as far back as it can go, and settle in for a nap. As I fall asleep I turn onto my right side. For a split second, I look up at Zach and notice him smile down at me.

After a little while, we make it to our neighborhood. I had woken up halfway into the car ride and we hadn't said another word to each other. Both of our phones had died and nothing good had been playing on the radio so, we were riding in complete silence. It was very awkward and I desperately wanted to scream. I don't know why screaming is the first thing that came to my mind but it did. This kiss between us was not planned. And these feelings I suddenly had were not a good thing. I couldn't read Zach's mind either. I have no idea what that big lug is thinking.

Zach kept tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and occasionally I would catch him smirking to himself. Now we were driving down the street that led home. Zach parked the car in front of the house and started to undo his seatbelt. "You wanna grab the bear?" He asked, pausing what he was doing to talk to me.

"No. I want to talk about what happened," I say. Zach runs his hand through his hair. He seems to consider me for a moment and then reaches for the car-door handle. "Zach," I say firmly, grabbing his arm.

He sighs and looks at me again. His brown eyes were charming, "Y/N. It was a kiss."

"A kiss that meant what? Was it for fun? Was it because you have feelings for me? Was it all just us getting caught up in the moment? What was it? Because frankly Zach, I don't want a heartbreaker like you to come along and you with me. Not like my last boyfriend did."

"Wow. It's a bit hurtful that you think I would do that to you," Zach tugs his arm away from me, "Listen. I Like you. A lot. And it's a little scary that I've barely gotten to know you and already you've hit me like a ton of bricks. Besides, if anything you're the heart breaker," Zach looks straight ahead, through the windshield.

I scoff, "Me? The heart breaker? How? That is literally the dumbest thing you've said since I got to LA."

Zach laughs, "It's actually the smartest thing I've said. Every one of those guys thinks you're amazing. Corbyn won't say anything because of Christina, Jonah's basically in love, and Jack doesn't want to get in our way. He still likes you but, he's definitely holding back. That's part of the reason Daniel's been so on edge. If you choose one of us, you'll be hurting everyone else."

"If they all like me, why didn't they come tonight?" I ask. This was all getting to be too much. Jonah already told me this and yet I was still surprised. Geez maybe I should start listening more. Maybe Jonah was right when he said I was just a naive girl.

"I told them not to. They don't know I was planning to kiss you. But they would never try and intrude if they thought this was a date," Zach says. We're both silent for a second. Zach sighs again and gets out of the car. I groan and follow him. We walk up the path, to the door, and I wait for Zach to unlock it. Before he does he grabs my chin and tilts my face up. He gives me a quick peck on the lips. "Sorry. I just wanted to do it one last time while we were alone." I can't even bring myself to be mad at him. As soon as his lips touched mine, it felt like electricity. 

We step inside and immediately find Jonah sitting at the kitchen table. He looks up and smiles. "Hi Jonah," I say. Zach nods hey and goes upstairs. Probably to find Jack.

"Everything good on your da- I mean trip," Jonah asks.

"I know you were going to call it a date. It's okay," I say. I hoist myself onto the kitchen counter and Jonah comes over and leans on it beside me.

"You and Zach. I wasn't expecting that one," Jonah says. He scoffs and looks away from me.

"Why?" I didn't mind Zach. It's not like I hated him or anything. He was funny and always sweet to me. Sure he was a prankster but that was all fun and games.

"Well, I thought you liked more mature guys. Older guys maybe." I think about it for a second. Honestly I didn't even know what I liked. Sometimes a nerdy guy was sweet, but I also liked a funny, immature guy. Someone mature and mysterious, or artistic and hipster. Oh who was I kidding? I'm describing all of the boys. I may as well throw in the personality trait "my brother's best friend".

"I don't know Jo. I have to tell you something," I felt like I could count on Jonah for solid advice.

"Okay. Yeah, what is it?" Jonah looked a little hopeful.

Oh god. After what Zach said, I was feeling a little nauseous. If it was true, Jonah liked me too. And maybe I liked him. This is all way too confusing. Before I could think I accidentally blurt it all out, "Zach and I kissed on top of the Ferris wheel! And I didn't know it was going to happen. I mean I'm not saying I liked it. It's actually really confused me. And he's said that all you guys like me. I don't know if I like you guys though. You're all so nice and it's hard to just try and choose one of you!" My words were jumbled and I don't know if he could understand me.

"What?!" Jonah asks. He stand up quickly, trying to hide his smile, his arm brushing against my thigh. "Sorry. That was an accident," he says. I could tell he was trying to ignore the part where I maybe confessed I have feelings for all of the guys. Which would include him. I can't help but look into his eyes for a second. I blink hard a few times and clear my head. 

"Well, it wasn't a kiss. More like a make out and well, I have no idea how I feel about it. I need your help Jo." Jonah stares at me. He finally blinks and then nods.

"Okay sure. Whatever you need," He says. I jump off of the counter and wrap my arms around him. He smelled so good, like mint, green apple, and lemon.

"Thank you, Jonah. Seriously. I just don't want to hurt anyone."

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