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|Jasmine's POV|

Luke freaking Hemmings himself was sat at my kitchen table. Seriously mom, you couldn't have found someone else to be friends with other than Luke's mother?

"Sweetie what's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost" My mom is instantly by my side and I see Luke smirk from behind her.

"U-uh n-nothing. I'm just still not feeling well from earlier" I lied again. I slowly walked over towards the table to the only seat available. Next to Luke.

We begin eating the pizza mom ordered and so far everything was going good. Luke would make eye contact with me every now and then, it was making me very uncomfortable.

"May I be excused?" I asked as nice as possible.

"Yeah sure thing honey" I ran from the table and up to my room. I lid down in my bed and started to cry. My life gets worse and worse every single day. Why did mom have to go to the shop the exact same time Luke's mother did? Why did they have to become friends. I stopped crying when I heard my door open.

"I don't know why you're wasting your time crying. You're better off just killing yourself" Luke said. I flinched at his words. But maybe he was right. I have nothing to live for. I have no friends and no ones ever going to love me. I'm just a waste of space. A little useless human in the world.

"Maybe I will" I spat, then I went into the bathroom in my room and locked the door. I used to cut when I first came to my new school, but I thought about the consequences and stopped. Well I don't care about the consequences anymore. I took my razor and took the silver blade out if it. I rolled up the sleeves of my sweater and took the blade and slid it across my wrist. I admit it hurt at first but it feels so good. I started to slice a few more cuts, but not to deep. I then cleaned up my wrist and went back into my room. I noticed Luke was gone. Thank god, I didn't know what I would do if he was still here. After that I decided to change into my pjs and go to bed.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock for school. I shut it off and got dressed. I put on a east coast hoodie and some black leggings. I went into my bathroom again and checked on the cut on my stomach. I was shocked when I lifted up my sweater and shirt and saw that there were bruises covering my entire stomach.

I pulled my shirt and sweater back down then headed towards the door.

"Bye mom!" I yelled as I walked out the door.


*At school*

I hesitantly walked through the school doors and went to my locker. As soon as I went to shut my locker door, it shut. Right on my fingers. I looked up to see Michael with a huge grin.

"Well hello Jasmine" I took my hand out of the locker and ignored him. He didn't seem to like that, considering he slammed me against the lockers. "Remember what we told you? No ignoring us"

"Yes" I whimpered.

"Good" And with that he left me there with a swollen hand. I decided to go to the the girls washroom and just sit there so that I don't encounter any of the boys.

The bell rung and I left the washroom and went to my first class. I walked in and hesitantly walked over to my seat in the back next to Luke. After the teacher passed out worksheets for us to complete, I noticed Luke starring at my arm for a while.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and looked at my arm. My sleeve was rolled up and my few cuts from yesterday were visible. I quickly rolled up my sleeve and continued doing my work.

Shit. Did he see the cuts? Great. Now I'll get called a freak or something. He wouldn't let this go if he saw them.

"What?" I spat at him and instantly regretted it. Great, now he's going to be extra hard on my today for saying that. Surprisingly he didn't say or do anything, he just ignored me for the rest of the class. Actually he ignored me for the rest of the school day. Maybe he's just having a bad day or something. Hopefully whatever is happening, it continues to happen.


Hey guys, this book is getting worse and worse in my opinion, but hopefully you guys like it. And I don't really know how to continue this book, so that's why there are a lot of mistakes and spelling errors and stupid stuff.


Don't forget to..


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