Chapter One

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(y/n)'s POV

"(y/n), honey, can you come in here for a sec?" My mom called out to me. I groaned, but trampled down the stairs to meet her in the kitchen nonetheless. I was met with Mom and Dad sitting at the kitchen table, looking me with a concerned and sad look. I was confused about that because my grades couldn't have dropped, seeing as it was summer break and would stay that way for another month.

"Hey, kiddo. Sit down." Dad instructed me. I reluctantly obeyed, looking at them like they'd both grown two more heads each. They both took one of my hands in theirs and I definitely double-chinned in disdain.

"Honey, I know it's going to be your senior year soon, and you planned to be here with your friends, but-" My mom started.

"I got a good job opportunity in Chicago, and I think it would be best if I took it." My father finished. I gasped and looked at him with wide eyes.

"But guys! Did you accept? Did you accept before asking me?" I demanded. I felt angry and sad and betrayed and wanted to go hug my friends and stay with them forever. We weren't a big group, but we were tight-knit and I loved them. And now I'd leave them behind in (h/t).

"He did. But you can still go to college with them like you planned, and on fall break, winter break, and spring break you can come over, stay with them." My mom assured me. I was much closer to my mother so she knew how to calm me down a bit. I caught my breath and nodded, taking my hands back and letting them fall awkwardly at my sides.

"Fine. But you can't complain too much about the phone bills for talking to them." I reasoned, still angry and in shock. They seemed to understand and nodded, tight-lipped smiles on their faces.

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"Two weeks. You'll have three weeks to get settled in before school starts up, okay?" Mom smiled at me and I nodded. I got up to go break the news and pack some knick-knacks up. The stairs creaked under my feet as I walked, had facing down. I FaceTimed my best friend, Clara, to break the news. Her pale face popped up, shoulder length, sleek black hair flying all over the place. She grinned until she noticed the sadness lingering on my face.

"What's wrong? Did a character die again? Which author do I have to kill?" She started asking a million questions a second but I promptly cut in.

"I'm moving in two weeks. My parents didn't even ask me, so I didn't even get to argue." I wailed, making sure to keep my voice down.

"No! We'll still get to go to college together right? We planned to live in a stupid-cramped apartment together and make each other mac and cheese!"

"Yeah, and we'll talk every night. I'm gonna go tell the group chat now." I gave a weak grin and nodded. She waved and hung up. I missed her already and I still had two short weeks left. Better be some damn good weeks.

*Time Skip to Getting There, Brought to You By Taylor Louderman Being A Queen*

So here was my new room that would be an absolute disaster in a month. It was moderately big and had its own bathroom and closet, and a nice window, so I was happy with that, I guess. My friends made me hang out yesterday as a last hurrah, which I was glad to have, but I was exhausted and didn't wanna unpack.

But I started to get to it, getting out at least the essentials. Hygiene products, sleeping bag, 2 pillows, phone charger, sweatpants to change into (since I was wearing skinny jeans and those don't feel too comfy) and an outfit for tomorrow. Which was just a black tee I got from doing Hairspray Jr. when I was 13, and light-wash skinny jeans. The shirt still fit since I didn't grow too much since middle school and it was pretty baggy then.

I smiled slightly to myself and nodded. I'd make this place bearable. I wouldn't completely die. I was already dead inside, but now I'd be okay. Everything would be decent. It's like long distance dating, but I don't wish I could be there to fuck.

Maybe sometime this week I'll force myself to be social and meet my neighbors. Maybe then I'll have someone to eat lunch with come school, and I won't panic and hide in the bathroom or library or something. But that was pushing it. I was still a new kid.

I plugged in my phone, lovingly adorned in a case that had Heather Chandler from Heathers on it, and stacked my pillows on the ground for optimal comfort. It was late evening, so my parents might judge me for sleeping so quick, but I was tired and didn't give a shit.

Goodnight, cruel world.

Janis' POV

I listened to Damien rant about the cute boy he made sexy eye contact with on the last day of school. He'd been telling this story at least once a day for the past two months and I was tired of it, but I wanted to be a good friend and let him ramble.

"Oh, Janis! Someone finally bought the house next door!" He exclaimed. I must not have realized that the one-sided conversation had moved on.

"Do you know who yet? What if we go meet them? It could be a nice old lady who bakes you cookies." I lazily pointed out, tossing a piece of popcorn in my mouth. It was movie night, but at this point the movies were just background noise. Cady was supposed to be here, but Aaron had a family event and his mom wanted him to bring a date, so voila, it was just the two of us tonight.

Not in a gross way, we were still both flaming homosexuals.

"I think it's a middle aged couple, actually. But they still might bake us cookies. Let's go." He got up excitedly. This guy was the most extra thing on the planet, I swear to fuck.

"Give me a sec!" I whined, getting up from my comfy spot and brushing popcorn off me. Some managed to even get in my hair. I would say it's a snack for later, but these middle aged neighbors would probably judge that and I'm not one to get Damien a bad rep with his own neighbors. Leave that to him, he's got it in the bag.

We approached the pretty white house. It was nice, but the grass was dead and there was a tree that had few leaves, despite it being the middle of summer.

Damien enthusiastically knocked at the door and struck a pose. I laughed at how obnoxious he was until a tired looking woman with shoulder length dark hair answered the door. She looked confused.

"Hello? Are you the neighbors?" She asked. I nodded while Damien had other plans.

"I'm your neighbor from next door, Damien, this is my best friend Janis. You're the family who just moved in, right?" He was actually good at talking to people.

"Yes, I'm with my husband and my daughter. She'll be a senior this year, but she's taking a nap right now. Do you kids go to North Shore?" She seemed sweet, so I nodded.

"We're gonna be seniors just like her, actually." The woman's smile seemed to grow at the comment.

"What a relief. I'll send her over sometime tomorrow to meet you. She won't be completely alone here." She sighed.

"How lovely. We'll be off now to let you get unpacking. Tata!" He started to walk away and I trailed not far behind.

(1323 words)

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