Chapter Twelve

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(y/n)'s POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to see darkness still blanketing the Earth. That's how I figured out it was still the night.

I then figured out, while still super disoriented, that I was cuddling something. Or someone. I couldn't tell who because they were spooning me. I didn't mind being their little spoon, but I also had no clue who was pressed flush against my body and I was a very curious person.

I tried to flip around to face them, but their arms pulled me even tighter to their body.

I decided to try again. This time, after a lot of struggling and tangling of limbs, I succeeded in turning around to face them.

I was met face to face with a sleeping Janis, a bit of drool shimmering on the corner of her lips. She looked so peaceful, so adorable.

I was aware that most people would say that she was the epitome of not cute right now, but I disagreed wholeheartedly. Something about her messy hair, tank top strap falling onto her bicep, and slightly parted lips just were charming; despite the fact that her hair was a complete mess and would probably take forever to brush out in the morning.

She was still very good looking.

Maybe I was creepy for staring at my sleeping friend's face for this long, I realized. So I decided to snuggle further into her and just fall back asleep. It was late, and I would hate everything in the morning if I didn't sleep now. Well, more than I normally would.

I never realized just how warm Janis was. She was like a human heater, so I snuggled further into her after realizing that she was hogging the blanket. Maybe that was why she was so warm. I didn't even mind because I liked clutching her better than I could like any blanket.

I tried to fall asleep again, but after a few minutes I was still not even vaguely tired. I instead, had plenty of energy and was fully awake. I would've wiggled out of the embrace to check the time, maybe grab a cup of coffee and wait for everyone else to get up.

I would have, if I wasn't trapped in the tightest hug I'd ever had.

I decided to try and push her off to look at my charging phone that laid a couple of feet away from my back.

The attempt, instead of leaving her peaceful yet freeing me, made her start to stir. I panicked and quickly closed my eyes, pressing my face into the spot where her shoulder met her neck.

I heard her groan and felt her lift her head a little to look around. She dropped her head again and I felt her gently press a kiss to my forehead. I was given away when I smiled against her shoulder.

"(y/nnnn), What're you doing uuuup? Go back to sleeeep," she groaned tiredly, so I resigned the act and lifted my head.

"Can't sleep, I was trying to get out to check the time and wait for everyone on my phone," I explained quietly, trying to make sure I didn't wake anyone with my voice.

She retracted her arms and let me go, mumbling a quick sorry before going back to sleep. I sat up, then reached over to my phone to check the time, not before grabbing my glasses. Across the screen 4:56am was displayed in sleek white text. I nodded to myself before unlocking it to scroll through the addictive depths of tumblr.

I decided to go through the Newsies tag in my boredom, and chuckled quietly at the memes and incorrect quotes that popped up.

I saw another form get up, and soon recognized it to be Cady. She glanced over at me, illuminated by the harsh white light of my phone. She clambered over, presumably to check the time or something. I gave her a small smile, and I could vaguely make out her returning it.

She leaned over once she reached me, brushing shoulders with me.

"Only 5? Ugh, I could be sleeping," she groaned under her breath, earning a quiet bark of laughter from me.

"Wanna go make coffee and scroll memes on my phone? Damien did say it's okay to do that as long as we don't wake anybody up," I whispered in her ear. She nodded, prompting me to close my phone and get up.

I offered a hand to help her up, which she groggily took. And so we started our journey, padding our way out of the room and down the wooden stairs. It was dark, but it was September so it was already beginning to lighten up enough to see decently. I still managed to narrowly avoid tripping over an ottoman, but that was just me being clumsy.

We eventually managed to get into the kitchen and not die or wake anybody up. Cady was silently laughing at how I tripped over basically everything, though.

"Instead of coffee, what about we just make breakfast?" She whispered.

"Yeah, sure. Let's see what they have," I responded, turning to open the fridge, which was behind me. I found some fun things, like fresh fruit and pancake mix, plus a ton of eggs. Why did they have so many eggs?

Cady came up behind me, casually wrapping an arm around my waist as she looked around.

"What about pancakes with strawberries and banana, and some scrambled eggs?" She offered, glancing over to me in the harsh light provided by the refrigerator. I gave a nod and grabbed what we'd need.

"I call making the pancakes, you can do the eggs." I decided, and she gave me a huge grin, grabbing a pan that was hanging above our heads.

I didn't know why Damien's mom trusted us so much, but apparently it was completely allowed to just raid the kitchen and make whatever we wanted. He had said that normally they just made coffee, but gave us an explicit "yes" when I asked if we could do this last night.

With that, I grabbed the pancake mix and a pan of my own, making sure to grab a spatula on the way. I also grabbed some blueberries and chocolate chips, since we could put them in some of them, and top others with fruit.

Cady worked alongside me as I quietly rinsed blueberries, she got busy cracking eggs. After that was done, I made my way right next to her, shoulders brushing together as I poured pancake mix onto my pan, sprinkling chocolate chips into it. We exchanged a quick smile before watching the food cook. It already smelled fantastic.

(1125 words)

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