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(y/n)'s POV

Adrenaline coursed through my veins and my hands shook as I knocked on the door of the Sarkisian household. Immediately, I heard a pleasant voice yell "Coming!" from inside.

I wiped the sweat from my hands off on my black jeans, fidgeting with my scarf as the cold nipped at any and all exposed skin.

Janis's mom opened the door, smiling and stepping aside so I could come in instantly.

"Oh, hello (y/n), what brings you here alone?"

"Hey, Beth. I wanted to ask you something before Janis flies back in tonight." I asked, my voice shaking as I spoke. Both of Janis's moms insisted that I should call them by their first names but it always sounded so bizarre.

"Oh, well go ahead then dear." The blonde woman encouraged patiently as I took off my scarf, the warmth of the house my lover grew up in seeping into my bones.

"Actually, um, is Margaret home? It's a question for both of you." I asked. Immediately, Beth moved to yell into the living room for her wife.

"Hey, honey, could you come in here for a sec? We have a visitor!" She called out before turning her attention back to me.

"Who is it?" I heard the mature voice, that made my shaking intensify, just before she came in, seeing me standing a couple feet away from her wife.

"Hey, Margaret." I greeted awkwardly. She immediately pulled me into a hug, smiling kindly.

"Oh, (y/n), what a surprise! What brings you by?" She asked. I looked between them, reaching into my coat pocket to feel the small velvet box to assure me. It did nothing of the sort, instead making my nerves quake more with every quick breath I took.

"Well, no point in dancing around it I guess... I want to ask for your blessing. To propose to your daughter." I blurted, squeezing both hands into fists in my pockets. Their faces clearly displayed their shock as they examined me carefully.

"You're serious?" Bethany asked, her hand daintily hovering over her lips. I nodded, looking between the two nervously.

Margaret immediately wrapped me in a secure hug, easing my nerves.

"Of course! Oh, I can't believe you're proposing to our little girl! I'm sure she'll say yes." She soothed. Beth nodded, joining the embrace.

"You're already a part of our family, but I'm glad you'll be making it official." The blonde added. I sighed in relief, almost tearing up.

"Thank you! Oh, I better get to the airport, I'm picking her up and doing it there." I explained, letting go of the ring box in my pocket that I didn't realize I was still holding. I rewrapped my scarf around me and stepped toward the door, throwing the two middle aged mothers a soft smile. "Wish me luck!"

They called out their well wishes as I left, stepping back out into the bitter cold before hurrying into my car, driving it to the airport.

Janis had been in London for a week, since her art was put on display in a small indie museum, and she had to be there to present it for an event. But now she was coming back, and I planned to take her to a park and propose there. It was our favorite park, since we used to go there sometimes in high school and on school breaks from college, like the current one we were on. Next semester would be our last before graduation, and I wanted to ensure that we'd stay together for whatever life threw at the pair of us next.

When I told my closest friends I was planning on proposing, there were many variations of an excited reaction.

Damien demanded to help plan the wedding.

Cady had pulled me into a tight hug, lecturing me on "if you break her heart, I break your face and that doesn't go away just because you're getting married."

Karen had told me that she always knew we'd be together forever.

My friends from my high school before North Shore had told me they were incredibly happy something so wonderful came out of me moving all those years ago.

Now it was time. I pulled up to the airport, walking to Janis's gate as passengers poured out. My attention was snagged by the love of my life, dragging her black carry-on behind her and dressed head to toe in gray sweats and a black beanie that she definitely stole from me. My heart warmed at the sight, and I immediately called out her name, grabbing her attention. I ran over, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Janis!" I cried out in joy, pulling her in and smelling the familiar scent of her clothes and hair.

"(y/n) you dork, let's go to baggage claim and head out, I'm tired." She groaned. I nodded, suddenly full of energy as I dragged her behind me to grab her bag.

In a whirlwind of sleepy conversations and declarations of our love, we were ready to go. I grabbed her bags and set them in the trunk as she climbed in the passenger seat.

I took my place in the driver's seat and began driving us to the scenic park, going unnoticed by Janis who was half asleep. When we reached the destination, I reached over to shake her awake after unbuckling the both of us.

"Hey, baby, lets do something real quick. It'll be fast, I promise." I whispered. She groaned, but got up and stumbled out of the car. My heart suddenly began to race once more and the brisk air was too warm for me. I silently lead her, ignoring her soft complaints and questions as to where we were headed until we stopped at a tree, one we used to sit under all the time. I turned to her, smiling. She was confused, but returned the gesture.

This is it, now or never.

I reached into my pocket, grabbing the small box as I got down on one knee. I set the small box down discreetly next to my leg, looking up at my very shocked girlfriend.

"Darling, I love you so much. You're the light of my life and I never wanna spend a day not knowing that you're by my side. I may not be good with words, and this is far too sappy, but Janis Sarkisian, will you marry me?" I asked, grabbing the box and gently opening it to offer the ring.

Janis, suddenly wide awake, yanked me up to gather me in her arms in a tight embrace.

"Yes! Yes, I'd love to marry you!" She exclaimed, pressing a kiss to my lips which I eagerly reciprocated. When we pulled away, I slipped the small ring onto her finger.

"I love you so much." I whispered, grinning.

"I love you more, (y/n) (l/n). More than you could possibly know."

(1160 words)

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