Part 3: Summer 1995 - Ohio

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There was icing on my fingers that I was frantically trying to wipe off onto my Cinnabon apron so it wouldn't stick to the inside of my gloves the next time I went to serve a customer, but this stupid stuff was like sugary super glue.

I went to the sink in the back to try to wash it off.


My skin turned pink under the hot water and cheap soap.

"Stephanie!" My coworker Sam snapped his fingers at me.

Stephanie, right, I was Stephanie. Couldn't exactly use Xenia casually in '95 Ohio. "Just a second, can you handle this customer?"


I turned, ready to snap at him for not just taking care of them himself, but then I saw who the customer was.

Christopher. From the toy store. With the infinity eyes. Who'd managed to get me to sign up for coupons and buy two more useless Beanie Babies on two separate occasions.

That Christopher.

"Hi, welcome to Cinnabon, how can I help you?" The smile on my face was real for once. Christopher had come to see me at work this time.

He smiled. It reached all the way across his star-speckled cheeks up behind his thick frames to his eyes. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me, Stephanie?"

A blush started to burn over my cheeks to the tips of my ears. "Sure, I'd love to."

Summer, 1350. Grimsby. Fever burning through my veins, sticky sweat dripping down my trembling spine.

"Great, when are you free?"

"She has fifteen minutes right now." Sam handed me two cinnamon rolls and nudge me out from behind the counter. "I'll cover for you."

Christopher and I took the moment Sam offered and retreated out to a food court table. We sat across from each other and picked at our buns as TLC's "Waterfalls" played over the speakers.

Christopher was blushing now too, his floppy hair almost covering his now red ears. "Is fifteen minutes long enough for a date? Does this even count?"

New York, 1907. A walk on the edge of the water, my escort attempting to win my favor in hopes of simultaneously winning my hand in marriage. I want him to take my hand, push the edge of appropriate etiquette, knowing full well I will disappear from his life before he can properly propose.

"I don't know, I haven't been on a date in a while, but I guess it does?"

His hands, covered with small scars, fidgeted with the carton the bun sat in. "I haven't been on a date since I was, like, fourteen."

"No way, seriously? No, you're way too cute for that to be true."

"You're too cute." His blush deepened. "But, yeah, no one really wants to date the kid that's going blind."

"Well if you're going blind, then how can you even tell I'm so cute?" I reached across the table and gently touched his hand.

Christopher smiled and caught my hand before I could pull back. "You keep coming to the toy store to buy stuffed animals and you always have a skip in your step, which sometimes makes your shoes squeak. You also laugh at all my stupid jokes and have a really nice laugh. Plus, you smell like cinnamon." His thumb ran over my fingers and it sent warm shivers racing up my arm.

I laughed. "Yeah, Cinnabon does that to me."

"That's how I found you. I mean, I wasn't stalking you or anything, but my coworker knew I liked you and recognized you and yeah. I know Sam too, so he helped me."

"Well, I'm glad he did."

He laughed. "I just... I don't know, I feel like I owe you a better date? Like, I didn't even buy you these cinnamon buns. I just really like you already and want to get to know you."

"I'm up for it. What were you thinking?"

"Dinner? And a movie? On Tuesday maybe?"

"Sure, I'll definitely be there."


"No, you are absolutely not going." Demi slammed the door to our apartment as we walked in. "You are not going on a date."

"Date?" Aella poked her head out of our shared room. "Xenia has a date?"

"No! Xenia does not have a date. She's not going."

"I didn't tell you to ask for your permission, Demi." I kicked off my shoes, carefully aiming both of them to hit him in the ankles. "I am going."

"No, you're not."

"Who's the guy, Xenia? Or girl?" Aella came out of our room and flounced over to the couch. "What are they like?"

"His name is Christopher." I joined her on the couch, pulling a pillow into my chest. "We met at the mall and he's super sweet."

"For God's sake, you're not going!" Demi looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel.

"You aren't the boss of me." I wanted to stick my tongue out at him but that probably wouldn't have helped my case at all.

Arkansas, 1957. "No, you are not going to school, Xenia! It's not safe!"

"You're not the boss of me, Demi!"

"I'm older, I pay the rent, and it's the goddamn 1950s so sit your ass down because you are not going to school in the middle of a race war!"

"Gal, do you mind helping me out here?"

The music from the guy's rooms paused. "What's going on?"

"Tell Xenia she can't go on a date."

Gal laughed. "Xenia can do whatever she wants. She's an expert in kalarippayattu or kung-fu or whatever, she could kick my ass."

His music turned back on and Demi pinched the bridge of his nose and took some deep breaths. "Fine, whatever, go on a stupid date, just don't ruin this for the rest of us."

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