My Sweet

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My heartbeat resonated through my ears, breaking the silence. Fighting for my eyes to open, I could hardly see. Soon, my eyes adjusted to the dim, blue light of the room. I was greeted by my shadow, brain starting to process everything.
The gears in my mind moved slowly, weighed down by the drug we call sleep. I stood on my feet, turning to look to where the light shone from. Outside the window was a blazing full moon, glowing a tremendous blue. Although when I began moving, the view remained the same.
"It's fake," I muttered, turning for the door.
The hall was run down and empty, writing scrawled along its walls.
"Angels," I read the words at the end of the corridor. "An angel... a sacrifice..." I opened the door to my right. "What does it mean by... knowing myself and a door will open?"
I let the door close behind me, staring at a wall of mirrors decorating the wall adjacent to me. "What are these for...?" I walked towards them. They did not reflect me, or anything else. They were mere fakes.
Movement made me pause. Staring at me was a brown haired girl with brown eyes. Light brown, in fact. I reached up my hand to touch the image. "This is me... I look okay. Just like I should."
A click resounded behind me, and I walked towards the desk in the room's center. On the left was a computer that was previously turned off. On the right was a typewriter, clicking gently.


The computer beeped at me, and I read the words. "I..." my mind was empty. "... I don't know. I don't know who I am. I don't know my name..."


The typewriter clicked, and I leaned towards its paper. "I'm... seventeen. In a few hours... I'll be eighteen." I paused. "No... that was before I ended up here. So, I guess I'll... be eighteen any time now."


Both machines asked me. I merely lifted my gaze gently, staring at my wide eyed expression in the mirror. "I... don't know. I was outside in the city, and I got scared. I ran into the buildings, I thought they were offices. But they soon changed..." I put a hand to my mouth. "I woke up here."


"I want to go home!" I said, finally sure of something. "I want to find my parents. I want to get out." I clasped my hands together. I waited for them both to answer, but it didn't happen.


The typewriter presented, ceasing to type anymore.


The computer screen went blank as a small card ejected from the device to my right. I slid it out the rest of the way and stared at it. What should have been the space for my name was left blank. I left the room.
"Okay..." I glanced at the wire gate once more. "Here," I walked up to a small device, pressing the card into it. The device beeped and the gate slid open.
The card did not return.
I walked through, stopping before an elevator. My hand pushed the button and it opened loudly. Stepping inside, I pressed the only button available.
It began to move, soft yellow light shining a spotlight the gears as they turned.

"The girl on the bottom floor is a sacrifice," a female voice announced over the intercom. "All floors, please make preparations."
"A... sacrifice?" I stared upwards.
The door clunked and slid open. "Welcome to the Play Area." The intercom shut off.
"The... Play Area?" I hugged myself, stepping from the elevator. It closed behind me, and I turned to watch it. Red writing on the wall to the left of the elevator got my attention.

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