More Than This

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"You'll let me... go?"
He leaned up and away from me. "Well, I mean," he grumbled. "Why not? You're not gunna be any fun anyways. So yeah."
I leaned forward, shaking my head violently. I started to make myself stand up. A bandaged hand forcefully gripped my wrist, yanking me to my feet. I steadied myself in my brown hiking boots that were not all that nature proof.
"It'll take forever like this," he grumbled, pulling me in a direction. I made sure to avoid hs scythe as it rested over his shoulder. "I'll show you the way out."
I stared at his back in silence. Why was he doing this for me? Was it really just because I'm still tired?

Or... could it be...

He looked back at me. "You payin attention?"

More than this...?

"I've never really let someone off easy. So, you're gunna hafta get out on your own when ya get to the exit. This next place... I ain't comin to help your sorry ass, got it?"
I nodded, confused, but grateful.
He sighed loudly, obviously annoyed. "Good. Now, we turn here, and..."
We stopped before an elevator, a button to the right. It reminded me of the one I took to get here.
"Where does-"
"If you take this, you can get outta here. I have no clue how it'll go, but..." he opened his eyes and looked at me. "You've got balls, lady. Keep at it." He grit his teeth. "Man, something about you makes me mad..."
I smiled softly. "I'm sorry... and thank you," I lowered my head to him. "Why are you helping me?"
"Tch," he leaned away. "Helping? Just get the fuck out."
His scythe violently slammed on the elevator door, making me recoil. "Preferably before I regret it!"
I shuddered and entered the elevator as he removed his scythe, pressing the button. I watched his solemn expression as the door began to close.
"Good luck, bitch," I heard him say, giving a mocking wave.
It was the kind of wave that said farewell forever.
Was I going to die?

I wondered cluelessly as the elevator continued to move, snapping out of my thoughts as it dinged. The doors slid open loudly, and I stepped out. The doors closed behind me, and the elevator light disappeared, immersing me in a dim blue hue.
"Where am I...?"
Lights embedded in the floor creating a neat line allowed some light.
"Hang on," my brain fully flicked on. "Downstairs there was a number next to the elevator... on the wall," I turned around. Sure enough, a number was imprinted next to the elevator. I stepped forward, running my fingers along the cold symbols.
"B5?" I questioned in confusion. "I guess I'm not out." My eyes flicked to the floor. "That guy was right... however weird that is to admit."
My body turned and I walked out of the room, down the narrow hall, and into a reception room cloaked in darkness.
"Where am I now?"
A sound like a door opened made me freeze. Instinctively, my body turned to the left and I tensed.
"Who's there?" I demanded, putting on a brave facade.
"Is there someone... here?" A voice asked.
I watched as a tall yet skinny figure drew closer, eyes adjusting to the dim light and revealing them.
"You...!" His mouth hung open. "M... me? I'm... D-Daniel Dickens... your eye doctor."
I stared, dumbfounded. ".... what?"

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