Breakaway - Chapter 2

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The next day seemed to come round really quickly, Nicky would do her usually routine of getting ready and would make her way out of the hotel going the same route she had done the day before. She opened the black gate and made her way down the concrete steps once again, she sat on the bench she previously sat at and tied her shoelaces.

"Hey" a male voice said. "Oh hey, 2 days in a row now that is dedication" Nicky laughed. "Yep the run set me up for the day yesterday and I knew that you'd be out so thought I could keep you company" Olly smiled. "Sure, no worries, where's the guys, they didn't fancy it?" Nicky asked. "Na, think they had a bit too much last night, they're sleeping it off" Olly replied. "Ok, hope you've done your stretches then?" Nicky said. "Of course trainer" he played.

Nicky stuck in her Ipod and they gently went off on a jog around the natural beauty of Central Park. Both of their focus was on their breathing and their running, although slight glances from both of them to each other happened occasionally. Olly pointed out the spot where they stopped the previous day "do you wanna...?", "stop?" asked Nicky. He nodded, "Yeh we can do" she responded. She went to reach for her trainer, "hey, don't worry I got this" Olly reached into his trainer. Nicky laughed "Ahhh you picked up my trick". "Yeah, it's great" he replied walking away to get the water.

He returned with 2 bottles of water, he threw it at her "catch" he said. She guarded her hands up over her face "hey watch it" she angrily said. "Nicky, I wasn't trying to hurt you, sorry". Olly said concernedly. "Oh no, it's ok, don't worry" Nicky dismissed. "So, did you do anything nice yesterday?" Olly asked trying to change the subject. "Well had breakfast, went to do a bit of shopping and you know just chill, you?" Nicky responded. "Just been in the studio, you know chilling out before the big year that's coming up" he looked down. "Hey cheer up, you've been doing well so I hear" , "yeah I guess, I'm just knackered, need a break I think" Olly replied. "Yep of course you do that's whats so good about running, releasing all those emotions" Nicky said. "Yep I feel good about doing some exercise, anyways what's on your ipod", he lent over and took a peek. Nicky got embarrassed "oh just you" she laughed. "That's very cute, your a proper fan aint ya" he cheered up. "Well if you call having your albums and been to your tours then I guess I am". "But your not overly hyper and crying at my feet" he giggled. "Ah no, your just a regular guy aint you, do you want me to be like that?". "Oh no, the way you are suits me just fine".

"Right I think we have had a long enough break, come on get up, race you back" Nicky said. As Nicky was getting up her top rided up her lower back, Olly noticed this and saw a big scar, he didn't want to make it apparent that he saw it, he just got up and followed his "trainer's" orders. They run along side by side laughing at each other until they got to the big black iron gate. "Ok well nice to see ya" Nicky said walking off. "Hang on, wait a minute, same time again tomorrow?" Olly said still wanting to spend time together. "Well, I know I'll be here, but the question is will you?" she responded. "Ahh, it depends if I have too many shandies tonight, I'll try". "Well, if I don't see you then I'll see you on tour next year" Nicky responded and started to walk away again. "Wait a minute, you in a rush to get back?". " just I don't smell too great, want to grab a shower then decide what I'm going to do" she responded smiling. "Er I don't smell too great either, what you up to tonight?" Olly asked. "Erm no nothing really, I'll just probably grab dinner or something and grab myself an early night" she replied. "Oh I just wondered if you wanna come for some dinner with us, and we got tickets to Broadway tonight and probably have drinks after?", "that sounds cool, be good to catch up with the band again, and I haven't been to Broadway either" she sounded really upbeat. "Cool, well maybe I should grab your number and I'll come and pick you up or something" he said smiling. They exchanged numbers and arranged to meet up later on that evening.

They made their way out of the park and went in opposite directions, turning around and giving each other a wave. Nicky turned around and ran back to her hotel and Olly made his way back to his. The band were waiting for him in the lobby of his hotel, "hey man, where you been? been waiting to have some breakfast" John shouted. "Oh hey, I've been for a run, just gonna go and grab a quick shower and I'll be down" he responded. "This run, wouldn't have anything to do with a certain hot girl would it" Darren laughed. "Oh no" he blushed "but I did see her and she's coming out with us tonight, so behave". "Of course, so Olly are you interested because if your not..." Ben asked. "Don't even think about it Ben, she's a cool girl, but she's a fan and your here to do work as we all are" Olly said. He exited up the stairs to his room. "He is blatently into her, you can so tell" John laughed. They all agreed.

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