Breakaway - Chapter 12

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Nicky ran out of her flat at 6.30am, like she had every morning since she had come back from New York, except the morning when she had a stinking hangover. She took inspiration from New York and she went running in Hyde Park, of a similar scale and was right on her doorstep. She would usually look at the scenery and loved how beautiful London was even though it had rained most of the time. It had been a week since Russell was banged up and since she saw the guys. She was really missing one guy, who she hardly spent any time with and the one guy who she felt knew her inside and out; Olly. She decided to send a text message to him "Hey, I know you've been busy, just checking if your still alive, text back if you've got time Nic x". She started her morning jog.

Olly sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes, looked across to the gentle sleeping of Kelly that was sound asleep next to him. It was his last day before he went on tour, travelling the length and breadth of Britain. He needed to get out, to feel some air, he felt he had been holed up for a week, rehearsing, interviews and spending time with Kelly. He checked his phone, he had got a message received and opened it up. He smiled, but he didn't want to be deceiving to Kelly he would never cheat on anyone, but he was stressed out, he shouldn't have been though. He wondered why he got so stressed about it, he didn't need to wonder about it, he liked her but he was unsure if she had the same feelings. He was thinking about things too much, Olly was still looking at his phone sitting up in his king sized bed, Kelly awoke suddenly. "Olly is that her again? Delete the message or you and me we are history" Kelly said sternly. "Kelly, it's just a friendly text, nothing in it" he replied. Kelly felt threatened, she could tell he had a twinkle in his eye when her name was mentioned by him or the band. "Seriously Olly, if you don't get rid of that text, I'll call her myself and tell her" she said angrily. "Ok ok, it's deleted, done, happy?!", "I will be, when you come back to bed with me" she said seducingly. He climbed back into bed and was seduced by her confidence and how she had a hold on him.

Nicky got home clutching a coffee from Starbucks. She finished her coffee and went and run the bath. She checked her phone, and saw a message icon flashing. She smiled excitedly, she opened it up and her face dropped. It wasn't from Olly, "hey just wondered if you want to catch up before we go on tour, coffee 10am Starbucks? Ben x". She was happy to see the guys again but wondered why Olly hadn't answered any her texts. She got into the bath and relaxed into it. She was happy but she wasn't fulfilled. She closed her eyes for a minute or two, then light bulb moment she opened her eyes. She knew what she was going to do. She finished off in the bath, got dressed really quickly and fired up her laptop. She typed into her google New York Marathon. She smiled, that was what she was going to do, it was in only a couple of months but she had trained so hard and she knew she could do it, nothing was standing in her way. She was going to help people who had been through domestic violence, like she did and she wanted to give something back. She booked her place in the marathon, and booked her flight. Nothing was stopping her now, she had a plan. She looked at the time, there was half an hour to kill, she finished getting ready and made the short walk to Starbucks.

"Hey" Ben waved over to Nicky "come here I got you a coffee. He was sat in the corner with his daily newspaper, he stood up and embraced her, cuddling her and kissing her cheek. "Hey babe, how are you? Seems like ages since I saw you" Nicky smiled at she sat down. "Yep, well Nic it's only been a week, but yeah we have been busy with rehearsals and that. We are leaving this afternoon to go up to Glasgow, then we are going to make our way down" Ben explained. "Wow it does sound like you are all gonna be busy" she responded. "Yes about that", "about what, what is it Ben?" she worried. "I could only get you one backstage pass for the O2" he said sliding it over the table. "Ahhh thanks Ben, you all might not want to see me then, all those girlies at your feet" she laughed. He looked into eyes for a second just keeping them locked, he shook out of her eyes and looked down with embarrassment "of course we wanna see you, you are our mate". "Ahhh I'm glad you guys think so, Olly on the otherhand...ohh no I've said too much". "What is it Nic?" Ben asked slightly worried. "Ok well I kinda thought he cared, but since the night we all went out, it's like I haven't heard from him at all, he's not replying to my texts, is he ok?". "You mean he hasn't said anything to you?" Ben responded. Nic shook her head indicating she hadn't, she looked down. Ben took her hand on top of the table "Nic, you deserve to know, I can't believe he hasn't said anything to you, I told him to". "Ben, just spit it out" she said worriedly. "Well... he has erm... a girlfriend and I think he has been told he can't contact you anymore" he responded guiltily. She giggled nervously "ahh well, I guess that makes sense, well I guess I wont be needing this then" she said waving her backstage pass. "No keep it Nic, me and the guys wanna see you" he said smiling. "Well Ben, you are a good friend, thanks for telling me. Ohh so I need to tell you I'm doing the Marathon in New York in a couple of months" she excitedly told him. "Ahh no way, I know your going to do ace". They carried on their conversation for the next hour ordering another coffee and enjoying each other's company like friends do. Ben's phone was buzzing and vibrating on the table "Do you mind?", "sure go ahead". Nicky sat down looking at her phone trying not to eavesdrop in the conversation. "Yep just having a coffee and I'll be at the studio" Ben said talking into his phone, "about half hour, alright?" he got stressy. He cut off his phone and banged it down on the table. "Someone upset you?" Nicky asked. "Olly, he's changed, so stressed now, never happy" he replied. "Ahh thought having a girlfriend would make you happy, perhaps she's not making him happy in that department." They both laughed. She gritted her teeth "look Ben I don't wan't it to affect your friendship with him, I mean you being friends with me". "Nicky" he looked at her wanting to say something, "yeah?", "it's not just me who's friends with you, its the rest of the band too and we wanna stay friends with you" he responded. They both stood up, "that makes me very happy" she said placing her arms round his mid-drift. She placed her head on his shoulder. "Well good luck on the tour, give me a call sometime or something and I'll see you in a couple of weeks" she smiled ungrasping her arms from his embrace. "Of course, I'll give you a call, see you soon Nic" he replied giving her a kiss on her cheek. They walked out of Starbucks and gave each other one final hug and went their separate ways.

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